Suppose to the contrary that there exists y such that

η = lim infn→∞⟨zn,un− y⟩V ′,V < ⟨z̃,u− y⟩V ′,V , (79.4.68)

for all z̃ ∈ Âu. Take a subsequence, denoted still with subscript n such that

η = limn→∞⟨zn,un− y⟩V ′,V

Note that this subsequence does not depend on (t,ω). Thus

limn→∞⟨zn,un− y⟩V ′,V < ⟨z̃,u− y⟩V ′,V for all z̃ ∈ Âu (79.4.69)

We will obtain a contradiction to this. In what follows, we continue to use the subsequencejust described which satisfies the above inequality 79.4.69.

The estimate 79.4.66 implies,

0≤ ⟨zn (t,ω) ,un (t,ω)−u(t,ω)⟩− ≤ c(t,ω)+C ||u(t,ω)||pV , (79.4.70)

where c is a function in L1 ([0,T ]×Ω). Thanks to 79.4.65,

lim infn→∞⟨zn (t,ω) ,un (t,ω)−u(t,ω)⟩ ≥ 0, a.e.

and, therefore, the following pointwise limit exists,

limn→∞⟨zn (t,ω) ,un (t,ω)−u(t,ω)⟩− = 0, a.e.

and so we may apply the dominated convergence theorem using 79.4.70 and conclude



∫ T

0⟨zn (t,ω) ,un (t,ω)−u(t,ω)⟩−dtdP


∫ T

0limn→∞⟨zn (t,ω) ,un (t,ω)−u(t,ω)⟩−dtdP = 0

Now, it follows from 79.4.67 and the above equation, that



∫ T

0⟨zn (t,ω) ,un (t,ω)−u(t,ω)⟩+dtdP

= limn→∞


∫ T

0⟨zn (t,ω) ,un (t,ω)−u(t,ω)⟩

+⟨zn (t,ω) ,un (t,ω)−u(t,ω)⟩−dtdP

= limn→∞⟨zn,un−u⟩V ′,V = 0.

Therefore, both ∫Ω

∫ T

0⟨zn (t,ω) ,un (t,ω)−u(t,ω)⟩+dtdP

and ∫Ω

∫ T

0⟨zn (t,ω) ,un (t,ω)−u(t,ω)⟩−dtdP

79.4. STOCHASTIC INCLUSIONS WITHOUT UNIQUENESS ?? 2719Suppose to the contrary that there exists y such that1) = lim inf (Zn tm —y)yy < (Eu-y)yrys (79.4.68)for all Z € Au. Take a subsequence, denoted still with subscript n such thatn= tim (Zn, Un —Y)yiyNote that this subsequence does not depend on (ft, @). Thuslim (Zn,Un —Y)y-y < (Z,u—y)yry for all Z€ Au (79.4.69)n-ooWe will obtain a contradiction to this. In what follows, we continue to use the subsequencejust described which satisfies the above inequality 79.4.69.The estimate 79.4.66 implies,0 < (Zn (t,@) un (t,@) —u(t,@))” <c(t,@)+C|lu(t,o)||f, (79.4.70)where c is a function in L! ({0,7] x Q). Thanks to 79.4.65,lim inf (Zn (t,@) ,Un(t,@)—u(t,@)) > 0, ae.and, therefore, the following pointwise limit exists,tim (Zn (t,@) ,un(t,@)—u(t,@)) =0, ae.and so we may apply the dominated convergence theorem using 79.4.70 and concludenolim [ [i (t,@) ,un (t,@) —u(t,@))~dtaPT- L lim (zp (t,@) ,un (t,@) —u(t,@))~dtdP =0Q N-ooNow, it follows from 79.4.67 and the above equation, thatlim [ [i (t,@) ,un (t,@) —u(t,@))*dtdPnooT- lim | (cn (t,) ,p (t,) —u(t,@))ne Jo Jo+(Zn (t, @) ,Un (t,@) —u(t,@))~ dtdP= Tim (Zn, un —U) yy = 0.Therefore, both ,ial (n (t,@) yun (t,) —u (t,@))tdtdPQ/0andTiat (Zn (t,@) ,Un (t,@) —u(t,@))~ dtdPaJo