converge to 0, thus,



∫ T

0|⟨zn (t,ω) ,un (t,ω)−u(t,ω)⟩|dtdP = 0 (79.4.71)

From the above, it follows that there exists a further subsequence {nk} not depending ont,ω such that ∣∣⟨znk (t,ω) ,unk (t,ω)−u(t,ω)⟩

∣∣→ 0 a.e. (t,ω) . (79.4.72)

By the pseudomonotone limit condition for A there exists wt,ω ∈ A(u(t,ω) , t,ω) suchthat for a.e.(t,ω)

α (t,ω) ≡ lim infk→∞⟨znk (t,ω) ,unk (t,ω)− y(t,ω)⟩

= lim infk→∞⟨znk (t,ω) ,u(t,ω)− y(t,ω)⟩ ≥ ⟨wt,ω ,u(t,ω)− y(t,ω)⟩.

Note that u is progressively measurable and if A(·, t,ω) were single valued, this would givea contradiction at this point. We continue with the case where A is set valued. This casewill make use of the measurable selection in Lemma 79.4.5.

On the exceptional set, let α (t,ω)≡ ∞, and consider the set

F (t,ω)≡ {w ∈ A(u(t,ω) , t,ω) : ⟨w,u(t,ω)− y(t,ω)⟩ ≤ α (t,ω)} ,

which then satisfies F (t,ω) ̸= /0. Now F (t,ω) is closed and convex in V ′.We will let Σ be a progressively measurable set of measure zero which includes

N× [0,T ]∪{(t,ω) : ω /∈ NC, t ∈Mω


Claim ∗: (t,x)→ F (t,ω) has a P measurable selection off a set of measure zero.Proof of claim: Letting B(0,C (t,ω)) contain A(u(t,ω) , t,ω) , we can assume (t,ω)→

C (t,ω) is P measurable by using the estimates and the measurability of u. For γ ∈ N, letSγ ≡ {(t,ω) : C (t,ω)< γ} . If it is shown that F has a measurable selection on Sγ , then itfollows that it has a measurable selection. Thus in what follows, assume that (t,ω) ∈ Sγ .

Define for (t,ω) ∈ Sγ


w : ⟨w,u(t,ω)− y(t,ω)⟩< α (t,ω)+1n

, (t,ω) ∈ ΣC ∩Sγ


Thus, it was shown above that this G(t,ω) ̸= /0 at least for large enough γ that Sγ ̸= /0. ForU open, G− (U) is defined by

G− (U)≡{

(t,ω) ∈ Sγ : for some w ∈U ∩B(0,γ) ,⟨w,u(t,ω)− y(t,ω)⟩< α (t,ω)+ 1




w j}

be a dense subset of U ∩B(0,γ). This is possible because V ′ is separable. Theexpression in ∗ equals


{(t,ω) ∈ Sγ : ⟨wk,u(t,ω)− y(t,ω)⟩< α (t,ω)+



2720 CHAPTER 79. INCLUDING STOCHASTIC INTEGRALSconverge to 0, thus,Tlim [ [ I(cn (t, 2) ,p (t,) —u(t,@)) |dtdP = 0 (79.4.71)neo JO JOFrom the above, it follows that there exists a further subsequence {n,} not depending ont,@ such that| (Zn, (t,@) ,Un, (t,@) —u(t,@))| +0 ae. (t,@). (79.4.72)By the pseudomonotone limit condition for A there exists w;,@ € A (u(t, @) ,t,@) suchthat for a.e. (t, @)a(t,@) = lim inf (Zn (t,@) Un (t,@) —y(t,@))= lim inf (Zn (t,@) ,u(t,@) —y(t,@)) > (wi.o,u(t,@) —y(t,@)).Note that wu is progressively measurable and if A (-,t, @) were single valued, this would givea contradiction at this point. We continue with the case where A is set valued. This casewill make use of the measurable selection in Lemma 79.4.5.On the exceptional set, let a (t, @) = 00, and consider the setF (t,@) = {w €A(u(t,@),t,@): (w,u(t,@) —y(t,@)) < a(t,o@)},which then satisfies F (t,@) #0. Now F (t,@) is closed and convex in V’.We will let © be a progressively measurable set of measure zero which includesNx [0,T]U{(t,@):@ ¢N°,tE Mo}.Claim *: (t,x) > F (t,@) has a Y measurable selection off a set of measure zero.Proof of claim: Letting B (0,C (t, @)) contain A (u(t, @) ,t,@) , we can assume (t, @) >C(t,@) is Y measurable by using the estimates and the measurability of u. For y € N, letSy = {(t,@) :C(t,@) < y}. If it is shown that F has a measurable selection on Sy, then itfollows that it has a measurable selection. Thus in what follows, assume that (t,@) € Sy.Define for (t,@) € SyG(t,@) = {w: (w,u(t,@) —y(t,@)) < alto) +—, (t,@) ex's} nB(0.7)Thus, it was shown above that this G(t, @) # @ at least for large enough y that Sy 4 @. ForU open, G~ (U) is defined byGust (t,@) € Sy: for some w € UNB(0,Y), \(w,u(t,@) —y(t,@)) <a(t,@)++ (*)Let {w i} be a dense subset of UMB(0,7). This is possible because V’ is separable. Theexpression in * equalsUrey {(0) € Sy: (we u(t,@) —y(t,@)) < a(t.) +7}