Theorem 79.1.7 Assume the above conditions, 79.1.1 - , 79.1.7 along with the progressivemeasurability condition 79.1.2. Also assume there is at most one solution to 79.1.8 where

q(t, ·)≡∫ t


Then there exists a P measurable u such that also z is progressively measurable

Bu(t,ω)−Bu0 (ω)+∫ t

0z(s,ω)ds =

∫ t

0f (s,ω)ds+B

∫ t


where for each ω, z(·,ω) ∈ A(u(·,ω) ,ω). The function Bu(t,ω) = B(u(t,ω)) for a.e. t.Here

Φ ∈ Lα


([0,T ] ,L2



([0,T ]×Ω,L2


)),α > 2

and u0 ∈ L2 (Ω,W ), f ∈ Lp′ ([0,T ]×Ω;V ′).

The following corollary comes right away from the above and uniqueness for fixed ω .

Corollary 79.1.8 In the situation of Theorem 79.1.7, change the conditions on Φ. Insteadof letting

Φ ∈ Lα


([0,T ] ,L2



([0,T ]×Ω,L2


))assume that Φ ∈ L2

([0,T ]×Ω;L2


))and that t → Φ(t,ω) is continuous into


). Then there exists a unique solution to the integral equation of Theorem


Proof: Let τm = inf{

t : ∥Φ(t,ω)∥L2(Q1/2U,W) > m}. Then Φτm is uniformly bounded

above by m and limm→∞ τm = ∞. Hence Φτm is in the necessary space for the conclusionof Theorem 79.1.7 to hold. Letting m→ ∞ and using uniqueness, one finds a solution tothe integral equation.

79.2 Replacing Φ With σ (u)One can replace Φ with σ (u) provided B maps W one to one onto W ′. This includes themost common case of a Gelfand triple in which B = I and V ⊆ H = H ′ ⊆ V ′. We alsoneed to assume that A is defined pointwise as described below rather than possibly havingmemory terms involved.

Theorem 79.2.1 In the situation of Theorem 79.1.7, suppose 1 - 79.4.2 and progressivemeasurability condition 79.1.2 but A defined pointwise,

A(u,ω)(t) = A(u(t,ω) , t,ω)

and suppose f is progressively measurable and is in Lp′(

Ω;Lp′ ([0,T ] ;V ′))

. Assume

⟨Bu,u⟩ ≥ δ ∥u∥2W

2696 CHAPTER 79. INCLUDING STOCHASTIC INTEGRALSTheorem 79.1.7 Assume the above conditions, 79.1.1 - , 79.1.7 along with the progressivemeasurability condition 79.1.2. Also assume there is at most one solution to 79.1.8 whereg(t.) = [ eawThen there exists a Y measurable u such that also z is progressively measurablert rt rtBu(t,@) ~ Bup(«) + | z(s,@) ds =| f(s,o)ds-+B | OdW0 0 Jowhere for each @, z(-,@) € A(u(-,@),@). The function Bu(t,@) = B(u(t,@)) for ae. t.HereBEL” (a: ((0.7) aD (0'u,w))) AL (0.71 x2, (o'u,w)) a>2and uy € L?(Q,W), f EL” ([0,T] x Q;V’).The following corollary comes right away from the above and uniqueness for fixed @.Corollary 79.1.8 In the situation of Theorem 79.1.7, change the conditions on ®. Insteadof lettingbe L% (Q:1* ((0.7) Py (o'u,w))) AL ((0.7) xQ,PD (o'u,w))assume that ® € L? ([0,T] x Q;Z (o'/?U,W)) and that t + ®(t,@) is continuous intoLy (Q'/?U,W) . Then there exists a unique solution to the integral equation of Theorem79.1.7.Proof: Let t,, = inf {r : || ® (t,@) IA(o2uw) > m} . Then ®™ is uniformly boundedabove by m and lim). Tm = ce. Hence ®™ is in the necessary space for the conclusionof Theorem 79.1.7 to hold. Letting m— o and using uniqueness, one finds a solution tothe integral equation. §j79.2 Replacing ® With o (u)One can replace ® with o (u) provided B maps W one to one onto W’. This includes themost common case of a Gelfand triple in which B = J and V CH =H’ CV’. We alsoneed to assume that A is defined pointwise as described below rather than possibly havingmemory terms involved.Theorem 79.2.1 In the situation of Theorem 79.1.7, suppose I - 79.4.2 and progressivemeasurability condition 79.1.2 but A defined pointwise,A(u,@) (t) =A (u(t, @) ,t,@)and suppose f is progressively measurable and is in L”’ (Q:L” ([0, 7] :V)). Assume(Bu,u) > 6 |\u\lyy