79.2. REPLACING Φ WITH σ (u) 2697

so that an equivalent norm on W is ⟨Bu,u⟩1/2. Assume the monotonicity assumption: forzi ∈ A(ui,ω) ,

⟨λBu1 + z1− (λBu2 + z2) ,u1−u2⟩ ≥ δ ∥u1−u2∥2W (79.2.32)

for all λ large enough. Suppose σ (t,ω,u)∈L2(Q1/2U,W

)and has the growth properties

∥σ (t,ω,u)∥W ≤C+C∥u∥W

∥σ (t,ω,u1)−σ (t,ω,u2)∥L2(Q1/2U,W) ≤ K ∥u1−u2∥W (79.2.33)

and (t,ω)→ σ (t,ω,u(t,ω)) is progressively measurable whenever (t,ω)→ u(t,ω) is.Then there exists a unique solution u to the integral equation

Bu(t)−Bu0 +∫ t

0zds =

∫ t

0f ds+B

∫ t

0σ (s, ·,u)dW

The case of most interest is the usual one where V ⊆W = W ′ ⊆ V ′, the case of aGelfand triple in which B is the identity. We also are assuming that A does not have memoryterms. We obtain (t,ω)→ σ (t,ω,u(t,ω)) progressively measurable if (t,ω)→ σ (t,ω,u)is progressively measurable for each u ∈W thanks to continuity in u which comes from79.2.33.

Proof: For given w ∈ L2 (Ω,C ([0,T ] ,W )) each w being progressively measurable, de-fine u = ψ (w) as the solution to the integral equation

Bu(t,ω)−Bu0 (ω)+∫ t

0z(s,ω)ds =

∫ t

0f (s,ω)ds+B

∫ t

0σ (w)dW

which exists by above assumptions and Corollary 79.1.8. Here we write σ (w) for shortinstead of σ (t,ω,w). From Theorem 73.7.2, ⟨Bu,u⟩ is continuous hence bounded and soBu is in L∞ ([0,T ] ,W ′) which implies u∈ L∞ ([0,T ] ,W ) . Since Bu is essentially bounded inW ′ and equals a continuous function in V ′, it follows from density considerations that Buican be re defined on a set of meausure zero to be weakly continuous into W ′ hence weaklycontinuous into V ′. This re definition must yield the integral equation because all otherterms than Bu are continuous. However, this implies that if we let u(t) = B−1 (Bu)(t) , thenu is weakly continuous into W. By continuity of ∥u∥2 ≡ ⟨Bu,u⟩ , this shows that in fact,u is continuous into W thanks to the uniform continuity of the Hilbert space norm. Thusu(·,ω) ∈C ([0,T ] ,W ) .

Then from the estimates,


∫ t


V ds = 2∫ t

0⟨ f ,u⟩ds+C (b3,b4,b5)

∫ t


∫ t

0⟨Bσ (w) ,σ (w)⟩L2

ds+2M∗ (t)

≤ 2∫ t

0⟨ f ,u⟩ds+C (b3,b4,b5)+λ

∫ t


∫ t




)ds+2M∗ (t)

79.2. REPLACING ® WITH o (u) 2697so that an equivalent norm on W is (Bu,u)!!”Zi E€A(uj,@),. Assume the monotonicity assumption: for(ABuy +21 — (ABuz +22) ,u1 —u2) > 6 ||uy — up| (79.2.32)for all A large enough. Suppose 0 (t,@,u) € Ly (ol/ 2U, W) and has the growth properties| (t,0,u)|ly SC+C|lullw|o (t, @,u1) — 5 (t,@,u2)||_4(o12uw) < K ||u —u2||y (79.2.33)and (t,@) + O(t,@,u(t,@)) is progressively measurable whenever (t,@) — u(t, @) is.Then there exists a unique solution u to the integral equationt t tBu(t) — Buy + [ cds = | fas +B | o(s,-,u)dW0 0 0The case of most interest is the usual one where V C W = W’ CV’, the case of aGelfand triple in which B is the identity. We also are assuming that A does not have memoryterms. We obtain (t,@) > o (t,@,u(t,@)) progressively measurable if (t, @) + 0 (t, @,u)is progressively measurable for each u € W thanks to continuity in u which comes from79.2.33.Proof: For given w € L? (Q,C ({0,7],W)) each w being progressively measurable, de-fine u = y(w) as the solution to the integral equationBut.) ~Buo(o) + ['z(s,@)do= [| f(s,0)ds+B | o(wyawwhich exists by above assumptions and Corollary 79.1.8. Here we write o(w) for shortinstead of o (t,@,w). From Theorem 73.7.2, (Bu,u) is continuous hence bounded and soBu is in L® ({0, 7] ,W’) which implies u € L® ((0,T] ,W) . Since Bu is essentially bounded inW’ and equals a continuous function in V’, it follows from density considerations that Bu;can be re defined on a set of meausure zero to be weakly continuous into W’ hence weaklycontinuous into V’. This re definition must yield the integral equation because all otherterms than Bu are continuous. However, this implies that if we let u(t) = B~! (Bu) (t) , thenu is weakly continuous into W. By continuity of ||u||? = (Bu,u), this shows that in fact,u is continuous into W thanks to the uniform continuity of the Hilbert space norm. Thusu(-,@) €C([0,T],W).Then from the estimates,(Buu) (t) ~ (Buo,uo) +5 [lull ds =2 [ (fu) ds-+C (b3,ba,bs)+a [ (Busu)ds+ [ (Bo (w) 0 (w)) vds-+2M* (r)ot ot t<2/ (Fu) ds-+C(ba,basbs) +A [ (Bu.u)ds+ | (C+C|jw|lj,) ds+2m" (0