N, Bu(T,ω) = B(u(T,ω)) , similar for Bur. If not, just do the following argument forall T ′ close to T , letting T ′ be in the dense subset just described. Then from the inte-gral equation solved, and letting {ei} be the special set described in Theorem 77.2.19 andsuppressing the dependence on ω,

∑i=1⟨Bur (T ) ,ei⟩2−


∫ T


= 2∫ T

0⟨ f ,ur⟩ds+2

∫ T


(Φr ◦ J−1)∗Bur ◦ JdW

Thus also

2∫ T

0⟨zr,ur⟩ds =−

∑i=1⟨Bur (T ) ,ei⟩2 +


+2∫ T

0⟨ f ,ur⟩ds+2

∫ T


(Φr ◦ J−1)∗Bur ◦ JdW (79.1.31)

A similar formula to 79.1.31 holds for u. Thus

2∫ T

0⟨z,u⟩ds =−

∑i=1⟨Bu(T ) ,ei⟩2 +


+2∫ T

0⟨ f ,u⟩ds+2

∫ T


(Φ◦ J−1)∗Bu◦ JdW

It follows from 79.1.25 and the other convergences that

lim supr→∞

∫ T


∫ T


Hencelim sup


⟨zr,ur−u⟩V ′,V ≤ 0

Now from the limit condition, for any v ∈ V , there exists a z(v) ∈ A(u(·,ω) ,ω) such that

⟨z,u− v⟩V ′,V ≥ lim infr→∞

(⟨zr,ur−u⟩+ ⟨zr,u− v⟩)

≥ lim infr→∞⟨zr,ur− v⟩ ≥ ⟨z(v) ,u− v⟩

The reason the limit condition applies is the estimate 79.1.29 and the convergence 79.1.24which shows that


ur−∫ (·)


)satisfy a Holder condition into V ′. Then the estimate 79.1.29 implies that the B

∫ (·)0 ΦrdW

are bounded in a Holder norm and so the same is true of the Bur. Thus the situation of thelimit condition 79.1.7 is obtained. Then it follows from separation theorems and the factthat A(u(·,ω) ,ω) is closed and convex that z(·,ω) ∈ A(u(·,ω) ,ω). This has proved thefollowing Theorem.

79.1. THE CASE OF UNIQUENESS 2695N, Bu(T,@) = B(u(T,@)), similar for Bu,. If not, just do the following argument forall T’ close to T, letting T’ be in the dense subset just described. Then from the inte-gral equation solved, and letting {e;} be the special set described in Theorem 77.2.19 andsuppressing the dependence on a,y ( (Bu, (Ti=1Me:(Bug, é; 42 fi ZpyUr) dsll=T= 2] (f,uy)ds+2, (®,0J~!)* Bu, oJdwo—nSThus alsoT fore}2 | (Zp, Uy) ds = -y (Bu, (T o> (Bug, é;)42 [ (f,up)ds-+2 [fe )* Bu, oJaW (79.1.31)A similar formula to 79.1.31 holds for u. ThusT co2/ (su) d= — Yo (Bu +X Buo,€:)0 i= i=lT+2 / an (Bos!) BuoJdW0 0It follows from 79.1.25 and the other convergences thatT Tlim sup (crur)ds < | (z,u) ds0roo JOHencelim sup (Z;-,Ur —U) yr y <Oroo ;Now from the limit condition, for any v € VY, there exists a z(v) € A (u(-,@),@) such that(Z,u-V)yry > lim inf, ((Zp, Up — U) + (Z-,uU— v))> lim inf (z,,u,—v) > (z(v),u—v)r—yooThe reason the limit condition applies is the estimate 79.1.29 and the convergence 79.1.24which shows that OB («, _ i o,aW)0satisfy a Holder condition into V’. Then the estimate 79.1.29 implies that the B Jo @,dware bounded in a Holder norm and so the same is true of the Bu,. Thus the situation of thelimit condition 79.1.7 is obtained. Then it follows from separation theorems and the factthat A (u(-,@),@) is closed and convex that z(-,@) € A(u(-,@),@). This has proved thefollowing Theorem.