and soα̂ =

1n ∑

kXk ≡ X̄

Then alson


Xk (tk− t̄)−β ∑k(tk− t̄)2 = 0

and so

β̂ =∑

nk=1 Xk (tk− t̄)

∑k (tk− t̄)2 =∑

nk=1 (Xk− X̄)(tk− t̄)

∑k (tk− t̄)2

because ∑nk=1 X̄ (tk− t̄) = 0. It remains to find the maximum likelihood estimate for σ2.

Using 39.10,





(α̂ + β̂ (tk− t̄)


σ3 = 0

σ̂2 =





(α̂ + β̂ (tk− t̄)


Now considern


(Xk− (α +β (tk− t̄)))2

σ2 (39.11)

I will add in α̂ + β̂ (tk− t̄) and subtract it and then write this as a sum of quadratic forms.First of all, note that it is the sum of the squares of independent random variables in n(0,1)and so it is X 2 (n). It equals




(α̂ + β̂ (tk− t̄)


α̂ + β̂ (tk− t̄))− (α +β (tk− t̄))


σ2 (39.12)

This will be expanded. I need to consider the mixed term in which I will use the abovedescriptions of α̂ and β̂ .



(α̂ + β̂ (tk− t̄)

))((α̂ + β̂ (tk− t̄)

)− (α +β (tk− t̄))

)= ∑


[(Xk− X̄)−

(β̂ (tk− t̄)

)][(X̄ + β̂ (tk− t̄)

)− (α +β (tk− t̄))

]First note that

∑k(Xk− X̄) X̄ = ∑

k(Xk− X̄)α = ∑

kβ̂ (tk− t̄) X̄ = ∑

kβ̂ (tk− t̄)α = 0

Thus the mixed term is

∑k(Xk− X̄) β̂ (tk− t̄)−β ∑

k(Xk− X̄)(tk− t̄)

−β̂2∑k(tk− t̄)2 + β̂β ∑

k(tk− t̄)2


β̂ −β

)∑k(Xk− X̄)(tk− t̄)+ β̂

(β − β̂

)∑k(tk− t̄)2


β̂ −β

)β̂ ∑

j(t j− t̄)2 + β̂

(β − β̂

)∑k(tk− t̄)2 = 0

39.5. LINEAR REGRESSION 827and so ia=-YxX,=xXThen alsonYX (% —7) —BY (nm —7) =0k=1 kand soB _ Yee Xe (t, —f) _ Yet (X, —X) (t, —f)Ye (te 7)? Ye (te 7)because "_, X (t, —7) = 0. It remains to find the maximum likelihood estimate for 07.Using 39.10, 2nt. (%— (448 GQ -2)aA | o ) ~°P= TE (-(@+Bt-7))Now consider ;y (X, — (or Bi) (39.11)I will add in & +B (t; —f) and subtract it and then write this as a sum of quadratic forms.First of all, note that it is the sum of the squares of independent random variables in n (0, 1)and so it is 2°? (n). It equalsg. (= (#8 =) + (+80) —(0+B(u-7))).o2(39.12)k=1This will be expanded. I need to consider the mixed term in which I will use the abovedescriptions of & and B.First note thatYO -X)X = VY (%- KX) a= YB (nu -DX =P BH -Ta=0k k k kThus the mixed term is