79.3. AN EXAMPLE 2705
Thus, letting t = T,
C([0,T ];H)
C([0,T ];V )
∫ T
V ds)≤C ( f ,w0,T ) (79.3.40)
Now let wn,vn correspond in the above to qn where qn (r) = r2 for |r| ≤ 2n and qn (r) =4n for |r| ≥ 2n. Let Nn be the operator resulting from qn and let N be the operator definedby
⟨Nw,u⟩ ≡∫ 1
By embedding theorems, ∥wnx∥C([0,1]) ≤C∥wxx∥V . We define stopping times.
τn (ω)≡ inf{
t ∈ [0,T ] : C∥wnxx (·,ω)∥C([0,t]) > 2n}
inf( /0) defined as ∞. Then
vτnn (t)− v0 +α
∫ t
0X[0,τn] (s)Lvn (s)ds+
∫ t
0X[0,τn] (s)Lwnds
+∫ t
0X[0,τn] (s)Nnwnds =
∫ t
0X[0,τn] (s) f ds+
∫ t
0X[0,τn] (s)σ (v)dW
Does limn→∞ τn = ∞? If not so for some ω, then there is a subsequence still denoted withn such that for all n, τn (ω)≤ T . This implies
C2 ∥wnxx (·,ω)∥2C([0,T ]) > 4n
but the set of ω for which the above holds has measure no more than C2C ( f ,w0,T )/4n
thanks to 79.3.40 and so there is a further subsequence and a set of measure zero such thatfor ω not in this set, eventually, for all n large enough,
C∥wnxx (·,ω)∥C([0,T ]) ≤ 2n,
which requires τn =∞, contrary to the construction of this subsequence. Thus τn convergesto ∞ off a set of measure zero. Using uniqueness, define v = vn whenever τn = ∞ and w =wn whenever τn = ∞. Then from the embedding theorem mentioned above, wx (t,ω)2 =qn (wx (t,ω)) and so
v(t)− v0 +α
∫ t
∫ t
+∫ t
0Nwds =
∫ t
0f ds+
∫ t
0σ (v)dW (79.3.41)
⟨Nw,u⟩=∫ 1
Of course it would be very interesting in this example to see if you can pass to a limit asα→ 0. We do this in the non probabilistic version of this problem quite easily, but whetherit can be done in the stochastic equations considered here is not clear.