Now apply this Ito formula to Theorem 79.1.4 in which we make the assumptionsthere on ∥u0∥ ∈ L2 (Ω) and that f ∈ Lp′ ([0,T ]×Ω;V ′) where the σ algebra is P theprogressively measurable σ algebra, and

Φ ∈ L2(

Ω,L2([0,T ] ,L2


)))which implies the same is true of Φn. This yields, from the assumed estimates, an expres-sion of the form where δ > 0 is a suitable constant.



∫ t

0∥un (s)∥p

V ds

≤ λ

∫ t


∫ t

0⟨ f ,un⟩V ′,V ds+

∫ t


+∫ t


ds+Mn (t) (79.1.13)

where c ∈ L1 ([0,T ]×Ω). Then taking expectations or using that part of the Ito formula,


E (⟨Bun,un⟩(t))+δE(∫ T

0∥un (s)∥p

V ds)

≤ λ

∫ t

0E (⟨Bun,un⟩(s))ds+

∫ t

0E(⟨ f ,un⟩V ′,V

)ds+C (Φ,u0)

Then by Gronwall’s inequality and some simple manipulations,

E (⟨Bun,un⟩(t))+E(∫ T

0∥un (s)∥p

V ds)≤C (T, f ,u0,Φ)

Then using obvious estimates and Gronwall’s inequality in 79.1.13, this yields an in-equality of the form

⟨Bun,un⟩(t)−⟨Bu0,u0⟩+∫ t

0∥un (s)∥p

V ds≤C ( f ,λ ,c)+∥B∥∫ t


L2ds+M∗n (t)

where the random variable C ( f ,λ ,c) is nonnegative and is integrable. Now t →M∗n (t) isincreasing as is the integral on the right. Hence it follows that, modifying the constants,


⟨Bun,un⟩(s)+∫ t

0∥un (s)∥p

V ds

≤C ( f ,λ ,c,u0)+2∥B∥∫ t


L2ds+2M∗n (t) (79.1.14)

Next take the expectation of both sides and use the Burkholder Davis Gundy inequalityalong with the description of the quadratic variation of the martingale Mn (t). This yields





(∫ t

0∥un (s)∥p

V ds)

≤ C+2∥B∥E(∫ t



2688 CHAPTER 79. INCLUDING STOCHASTIC INTEGRALSNow apply this Ito formula to Theorem 79.1.4 in which we make the assumptionsthere on ||uo|| € L7(Q) and that f € L? ([0,7] x Q;V’) where the o algebra is Y theprogressively measurable o algebra, andbel? (9,1? ((0,7],4(0'U,w)))which implies the same is true of ®,. This yields, from the assumed estimates, an expres-sion of the form where 6 > 0 is a suitable constant.1 I >5 (Bunt) (t) ~ 5 (Buo,10) +3 I (s)|f ast t t< a | (Buy,tn) (s)ds-+ (Fatmdyryds+ f c(s,@)dst+| (B®, , Bn) y, ds +My (t) (79.1.13)where c € L! ({0,7] x Q). Then taking expectations or using that part of the Ito formula,1 T pSE (Bunn) (0) +84 ( [lun(9) 8d)< 2 [E ((Bun, ty) (9))ds-+ [E ((fsua)yey) ds+€ (uo)Then by Gronwall’s inequality and some simple manipulations,E (Binsin) (0)) +E ( [ln (9) Ids) <C(T. fo,Then using obvious estimates and Gronwall’s inequality in 79.1.13, this yields an in-equality of the formt t(Bury ty) (0) ~ (Buo.a0) + [lta (S45 < CCF, 2,€) + |B [ul 45-+ My (0)where the random variable C(f,A,c) is nonnegative and is integrable. Now t + M; (ft) isincreasing as is the integral on the right. Hence it follows that, modifying the constants,sup. (Bursts) (8) + [Ian (9) Keas€[0,t]t<C(f,A,¢,u0) +2.) [Pullin ds +2M, (0) (79.1.14)Next take the expectation of both sides and use the Burkholder Davis Gundy inequalityalong with the description of the quadratic variation of the martingale M,, (t). This yieldsE [ss (Buy, tt) ) +B ( ['llu(s)l ds)t< c+20\2( | Ienli,as)