Theorem C.0.2 Let yα (x, t) denote the position of an object of mass mα where x is afunction of t. Let the kinetic energy be defined by

T ≡ 12 ∑


mα ẏα ·ẏα .

Let the mass mα be acted on by a force F α . Then Newton’s second law implies


(∂T∂ ẋk

)− ∂T

∂xk = ∑α

F α ·∂yα

∂xk (3.3)

In case F α = ∇Φα +gα where gα is a force of constraint so the total force comes fromforces of constraint and the gradient of a potential function, then


(∂ (T −Φ)

∂ ẋk

)− ∂ (T −Φ)

∂xk = 0

Also, the above 3.3 implies Newton’s second law.

Proof: The above derivation shows that Newton’s law implies the above two formulas.On the other hand, if 3.3 holds, then in the case of one mass, the first part of the derivationwhich depended only on the chain rule and product rule shows


(∂T∂ ẋk

)− ∂T

∂xk = m ÿ· ∂y


Thus if 3.3 and there is no force of constraint, then F = mÿ which is Newton’s second law.■

Example C.0.3 In the case of the simple pendulum, x= θ as shown in the picture and(y1



(l sinθ

l− l cosθ


the force acting on weight being mg(−j) = ∇(−mgy2

). Find the equation of motion of

this pendulum.

T =12


(l cos(θ)θ

l sin(θ)θ′

(l cos(θ)θ

l sin(θ)θ′



ml2 (θ′)2

Then Φ = −mg(l− l cosθ) . T −Φ = 12 ml2


+mg(l− l cosθ). Thus the equation ofmotion of this pendulum is



θ′)−mgl (−sin(θ)) = 0



sinθ = 0

This is an equation which doesn’t have a simple analytic solution in terms of standardcalculus type functions.

879Theorem C.0.2 Let yg (x,t) denote the position of an object of mass mg where x is afunction of t. Let the kinetic energy be defined by1 .T= > Vmata Va:aLet the mass mq be acted on by a force Fo. Then Newton’s second law impliesd ({ 0T OT Oy—(— ])-~ =) F,.:=? 3.3di (Sz) ak LF a ak 3:3)In case Fa = V®q+ Gq where gq is a force of constraint so the total force comes fromforces of constraint and the gradient of a potential function, thend (A(T-®)\ a(T-%) _“( OX )- oxk =oAlso, the above 3.3 implies Newton’s second law.Proof: The above derivation shows that Newton’s law implies the above two formulas.On the other hand, if 3.3 holds, then in the case of one mass, the first part of the derivationwhich depended only on the chain rule and product rule showsa(oT\ OT _.. oydt \ axe) axe" OkThus if 3.3 and there is no force of constraint, then F' = my which is Newton’s second law.|Example C.0.3 In the case of the simple pendulum, x = 9 as shown in the picture andy \_ lsin@y ~ \ 1=Icos@the force acting on weight being mg(—j) = V (—mgy’) . Find the equation of motion ofthis pendulum.1 ‘ ’ 1talkin ‘cos (0) 0 !cos(@) 0 _!l ip (")?2 Isin(@) 0 Jsin(@) 0 2Then © = —mg(I—Icos 6). T—® = }ml? (6')” +mg(l—Icos@). Thus the equation ofmotion of this pendulum isd7a | 1?0') —mgl (—sin(6)) =0so 2Q” + T sin 0 = 0This is an equation which doesn’t have a simple analytic solution in terms of standardcalculus type functions.