It is called the indicator function because it indicates whether x is in E according towhether it equals 1. For a function f ∈ R (Rn) and E a contented set, f XE ∈ R (Rn)by Corollary A.3.2. Then ∫
Ef dV ≡
∫f XEdV.
So what are examples of contented sets?
Theorem A.4.8 Suppose E is a bounded contented set in Rn and f ,g : E → R are twofunctions satisfying f (x) ≥ g(x) for all x ∈ E and f XE and gXE are both in R (Rn).Now define
P≡ {(x,xn+1) : x ∈ E and g(x)≤ xn+1 ≤ f (x)} .
Then P is a contented set in Rn+1.
Proof: Let G be a grid such that for k = f XE ,gXE ,
UG (k)−LG (k)< ε/4. (1.14)
Also let K ≥∑mj=1 vn (Q j) where the Q j are the boxes which intersect E. Let {ai}∞
i=−∞be a
sequence on R, ai < ai+1 for all i, which includes
MQ j ( f XE)+ε
4mK,MQ j ( f XE) ,MQ j (gXE) ,
mQ j ( f XE) ,mQ j (gXE) ,mQ j (gXE)−ε
for all j = 1, · · · ,m. Now define a grid on Rn+1 as follows.
G ′ ≡ {Q× [ai,ai+1] : Q ∈ G , i ∈ Z}
In words, this grid consists of all possible boxes of the form Q× [ai,ai+1] where Q ∈ Gand ai is a term of the sequence just described. It is necessary to verify that for P ∈ G ′,XP ∈R
). This is done by showing that UG ′ (XP)−LG ′ (XP)< ε and then noting
that ε > 0 was arbitrary. For G ′ just described, denote by Q′ a box in G ′. Thus Q′ =Q× [ai,ai+1] for some i.
UG ′ (XP)−LG ′ (XP) ≡ ∑Q′∈G ′
(MQ′ (XP)−mQ′ (XP)
)vn (Q j)(ai+1−ai)
and all sums are bounded because the functions f and g are given to be bounded. Therefore,there are no limit considerations needed here. Thus
UG ′ (XP)−LG ′ (XP) =
vn (Q j)∞
(MQ j×[ai,ai+1] (XP)−mQ j×[ai,ai+1] (XP)
)(ai+1−ai) .
Consider the inside sum with the aid of the following picture.