Consider the moment generating function for β̂ .

M (t) = E(

exp tβ̂)= E



nk=1 Xk (tk− t̄)

∑i (ti− t̄)2


= E



expt (tk− t̄)

∑i (ti− t̄)2 Xk





 12


(∑i(ti−t̄)2)2 σ2

+ t(tk−t̄)∑i(ti−t̄)2 (α +β (tk− t̄))

= exp


t2 σ2

∑i (ti− t̄)2 +β t


So β̂ is n(

β , σ2


). It follows that the random variable in 39.14 is n(0,1) and so the

second term on the right in 39.13 is X 2 (1). The last term in 39.13 is


σ2 =1





(α̂ + β̂ (tk− t̄)


Thus we have

X 2(n)︷ ︸︸ ︷n


(Xk− (α +β (tk− t̄)))2

σ2 =

X 2(1)︷ ︸︸ ︷n

σ2 (α̂−α)2 +

X 2(1)︷ ︸︸ ︷(β̂ −β


σ2 ∑k(tk− t̄)2






(α̂ + β̂ (tk− t̄)


In fact, the terms on the right are quadratic forms in the variables Xk− (α +β (tk− t̄))although it does not look like it. Consider the first term.

α̂−α =1n ∑

kXk−α =

1n ∑


=1n ∑

k(Xk− (α +β (ti− t̄)))

This is squared and that is why this term is a quadratic form in the variables

Xk− (α +β (tk− t̄))

Note that the terms added in sum to 0. A similar trick will apply to the other terms. Considerthe second term.

β̂ −β =∑

nk=1 Xk (tk− t̄)

∑k (tk− t̄)2 −β =∑

nk=1 Xk (tk− t̄)−β ∑k (tk− t̄)2

∑k (tk− t̄)2

39.5. LINEAR REGRESSION 829Consider the moment generating function for B.B) = £ (exp ( te)£ (exmd) <2 ( °(' Fl —7 ))M(t)a t(t,—-1) _7mr | +t (+B (0)Z 1, o&= exp (5 ea (i 7 «6So B isn (B. Flea o 7 <=): It follows that the random variable in 39.14 is n (0,1) and so thesecond term on the right in 39.13 is 2°? (1). The last term in 39.13 isne = = py (X.- (@+B(-1))Thus we have#7 (1)2X? (n) 21) (6-0) y(Xp (a+ B (uD) Ty gy Bo Ppy = 3 (a-a)+ Lia+5 x (X.- (ebw_0)) (39.15)In fact, the terms on the right are quadratic forms in the variables X; — (@ + B (t, —f))although it does not look like it. Consider the first term.1 1a-a = -) X-a=-) (X%-a7X FEO a)1 -= ~)(X%— (a+ 8 (4-7)nkThis is squared and that is why this term is a quadratic form in the variablesXi —(@+ B (te —1))Note that the terms added in sum to 0. A similar trick will apply to the other terms. Considerthe second term.ea Xe (te =F) B= a Xk (te — 8) — BY (te —i)BoP Ye (te -7) - Ye (te —7)°