Here we use 39.4. From MATLAB, for T the T statistic with r = 5 being used here,

P(|T |< .8) = .54

Thus with probability .54 you get

−.8 <


r+1(Z̄− (µ1−µ2))√∑

r+1k=1 (Zk− Z̄)2

< .8

.8 >


r+1((µ1−µ2)− Z̄)√∑

r+1k=1 (Zk− Z̄)2



.8 >



2.9841 > (µ1−µ2)>−.65072

with probability .54. By replacing .54 with a smaller number, this could be changed andwe could conclude with a reasonable probability that µ1− µ2 > 0. Thus not rejecting H0isn’t really the same as saying that H0 is true.

39.2.4 The F DistributionIn this case, you have two independent random variables U,V which are respectivelyX 2 (r1) and X 2 (r2). Thus the density for the random variable (U,V ) is

1Γ(r1/2)2r1/2 u(r1/2)−1e−u/2 1

Γ(r2/2)2r2/2 v(r2/2)−1e−v/2,u,v > 0

Here we consider the density function for

F =U/r1


Change the variables as done above.

f =ur2

vr1,k = v

inverting the transformations gives

u =f vr1

r2,v = k,


)= r



J (u,v) =



vr1r2 − u


0 1

)∣∣∣∣∣= 1vr1


Then by the change of variables formula, and letting g denote the density for (F,K) ,∫r(U)

g( f ,k)d f dk =∫



vr1,v)|J (u,v)|dudv

812 CHAPTER 39. STATISTICAL TESTSHere we use 39.4. From MATLAB, for T the T statistic with r = 5 being used here,P(|T| <.8) =.54Thus with probability .54 you getge vrvr+1(Z— (Hy — Hs)) <.8am (Z,—Z)°g> vrvr+1 ((My — M2) —Z) S_ 8Litt (Ze -Z)Then8S V30 (Hy — Ha) — 1.1667) S8812.4432.9841 > (dy — Us) > —.65072with probability .54. By replacing .54 with a smaller number, this could be changed andwe could conclude with a reasonable probability that 4, — 1, > 0. Thus not rejecting Hoisn’t really the same as saying that Hp is true.39.2.4 The F DistributionIn this case, you have two independent random variables U,V which are respectively2? (r,) and 2 (rz). Thus the density for the random variable (U,V) is1 1(ry /2)-1 uu /2_ (rp /2)-1,-v/2Prime © P(mjaanRh mer 8Here we consider the density function forF- U/ryV/roChange the variables as done above.inverting the transformations giveswwe (" ar( 0)r2 v k1det { 77” re =0 1Then by the change of variables formula, and letting g denote the density for (F,K),J (u,v) =ur2