Chapter 38


38.1 Improper IntegralsIf f is Riemann integrable on [0,R] for each R, then∫

0f (x)dx≡ lim


∫ R

0f (x)dx

if this limit exists. Otherwise the improper integral is not defined. If f is only Riemannintegrable on [δ ,R] for each δ < R, then∫

0f (x)dx≡ lim

(δ ,R)→(0,∞)

∫ R


f (x)dx

provided this limit exists. This expression means: There exists I ≡∫

0 f (x)dx such that foreach ε > 0 there is R0 and δ 0 such that if δ < δ 0 and R > R0, then∣∣∣∣∫ R


f (x)dx− I∣∣∣∣< ε

Otherwise we don’t give a definition of the improper integral. Integrals of the form∫ 0−∞

f (x)dxare defined similarly. As to


−∞f (x)dx, it equals∫

0f (x)dx+

∫ 0


f (x)dx

provided these last two exist. As an application of polar coordinates, here is an importanttheorem.

Theorem 38.1.1∫

0 e−x2dx = 1


π and∫


dx =√

π .

Proof: Let IR ≡∫ R

0 e−x2dx. Then IRIR =

∫ R0∫ R

0 e−x2e−y2

dx. Also

I ≡ limR→∞



Chapter 38Probability38.1 Improper IntegralsIf f is Riemann integrable on [0, R] for each R, then20 _ R[ sax jim [ f (x) dxif this limit exists. Otherwise the improper integral is not defined. If f is only Riemannintegrable on [6,R] for each 6 < R, thenfr rtovars tm, fy Felaprovided this limit exists. This expression means: There exists J = fy f (x) dx such that foreach € > 0 there is Ro and do such that if 6 < 69 and R > Ro, then[re x)dx— il <eOtherwise we don’t give a definition of the improper integral. Integrals of the form fo. f (x) dxare defined similarly. As to [™., f (x) dx, it equals[reece [renaprovided these last two exist. As an application of polar coordinates, here is an importanttheorem.Theorem 38.1.1 {je dx = 1m and [",e dx = VT.Proof: Let Ip = fire —" dy. Then TrIR = So So R o-” e-Y" dx. Alsol= jim tr769