Now from trig. identities, cos(


2 − arcsin(θ))= θ ,cos

( 3π

2 + arcsin(θ))= θ , and so

the above reduces to


arcsin( c


)+ arcsin

( cR


which converges to 0 as R→ ∞. Recall 0 < β < α . It remains to consider the integral in37.9. For large |z| , the absolute value of this integral is no more than∫ 3π

2 −arcsin( cR )

π2 +arcsin( c

R )eR(cosθ)t C

RαRdθ ≤Cπe

Rt cos(

π2 +arcsin



))R1−α =CπR1−α e−cRβ

which converges to 0 as R→ ∞. ■

Corollary 37.5.2 Let the contour be as shown and assume 37.8 for meromorphic F (s).Then the above limit in 37.7 exists. Also f (t) , given by the Bromwich integral, is continuouson (0,∞) and its Laplace transform is F (s).

Proof: It only remains to verify continuity. Let R be so large that the above contourη∗R encloses all poles of F . Then for such large R, the contour integrals are not changingbecause all the poles are enclosed. Thus

f (t̂) = limR→∞



eut̂F (u)du =1



eut̂F (u)du

| f (t̂)− f (t)| ≤∣∣∣∣ f (t̂)− 1



eut̂F (u)du∣∣∣∣


∣∣∣∣ 12πi


eut̂F (u)du− 12πi


eutF (u)du∣∣∣∣


∣∣∣∣ 12πi


eutF (u)du− f (t)∣∣∣∣


∣∣∣∣ 12πi


eut̂F (u)du− 12πi


eutF (u)du∣∣∣∣

Since ηR is fixed, it follows that if |t̂− t| is small enough, then | f (t̂)− f (t)| is also small.■

It follows from Lemma 37.5.1 that

f (t) ≡ limR→∞



γ−iReutF (u)du

= limR→∞




γ−iReutF (u)du+



eutF (u)du)


2πi2πi(sum of residues of the poles of eztF (z)

)= sum of residues.

The following procedure shows how the Bromwich integral can be computed to obtainan actual formula for a function. However, the integral itself will make sense and could benumerically computed to solve for the inverse Laplace transform.

37.5. THE BROMWICH INTEGRAL 761Now from trig. identities, cos (¥ —arcsin(@)) = @,cos (3% +arcsin(@)) = 6, and sothe above reduces toct (© : =) ) l-a2Ce (aresin (= F ) + arcsin (; Rwhich converges to 0 as R — ©. Recall 0 < B < a. It remains to consider the integral in37.9. For large |z|, the absolute value of this integral is no more than32 _arcsin( & .3 sresin() (cos) C Rd@ < Coretcos( Etaresin( iS) pl—a ~ CHR %e-P?%+arcsin(§) R& 7 72 Rwhich converges to 0 as R — oo.Corollary 37.5.2 Let the contour be as shown and assume 37.8 for meromorphic F (s).Then the above limit in 37.7 exists. Also f (t) , given by the Bromwich integral, is continuouson (0,°°) and its Laplace transform is F (s).Proof: It only remains to verify continuity. Let R be so large that the above contourNR encloses all poles of F. Then for such large R, the contour integrals are not changingbecause all the poles are enclosed. Thusf (f) = lim Pal ce F (u)du= [ e"F (u) duO@-rol < FO- 55 [etryLf ap I /— | eF(u)du-— | e“F(w)dt ml ¢ (udu Fi Inge Fe1 ut+ amily? F (u)du— f(t)1 * 1oni I e F (u)du— on e"F (u) du71 TRSince 1p is fixed, it follows that if |? —t| is small enough, then | f (f) — f (t)| is also small.|_|It follows from Lemma 37.5.1 thati 1 y+iR “Rudth = —f(t) hin sls e"'F (u) du— jim xf "F(w)dut sh fetedR500 \ Qi yin M)au 2ni Ce “au1= mim (sum of residues of the poles of e” F (z))i= sum of residues.The following procedure shows how the Bromwich integral can be computed to obtainan actual formula for a function. However, the integral itself will make sense and could benumerically computed to solve for the inverse Laplace transform.