generator, 602growth estimate, 603Hille Yosida theorem, 606strongly continuous, 602
separability of C(H), 769separable metric space
Lindeloff property, 76separated sets, 88separation theorem, 572sequence, 72
Cauchy, 73subsequence, 73
sequential weak* compactness, 558sequentially compact set, 77series
double sum, 64set
F sigma, 253set valued functions
measurability, 271sets, 57
G delta, 253sgn, 39
uniqueness, 41sigma algebra, 237sign of a permutation, 41signed measure, 300
Hahn decomposition, 301signed measures
Hahn decomposition, 300simple functions, 647
approximation, 238singular values, 410slicing measures, 308smooth manifold, 396Sobolev Space
embedding theorem, 391equivalent norms, 391
Sobolev spaces, 391space of continuous martingales, 856
Hilbert space, 879span, 44, 100Sperner’s lemma, 160Steiner symetrization, 450Stirling’s formula, 353stochastic integral
as Stieltjes integral, 891elementary function, 893
linear, 893stochastic process, 786, 807
descriptions, 807Stone Weierstrass theorem, 510Stone’s theorem, 707stong law of large numbers, 792stopped martingale, 862, 864stopped process, 853stopped sub-martingale, 845stopped submartingale, 864stopping time, 795, 831, 835stopping times
conditional expectation, 797strict convexity, 572strictly convex
norm, 147strong law of large numbers, 733, 805strongly measurable, 647
inverse images open sets, 648sub-martingale, 741, 786sub-martingale convergence theorem, 789
continuous case, 850subbasis, 508subspace, 100sums
independent random variables, 729independent variables, 731, 790
supermartingale, 786support of a function, 92, 290, 511symmetric derivative
existence, 342measurable, 342Radon measure, 341upper and lower, 341
symmetric domaindegree, 423
symmetric matrix, 20
tail event, 728Taylor formula, 217Taylor’s formula, 218Taylor’s theorem, 218Tietze extension theorem, 136tight, 766topological space, 501total variation, 348, 622totally bounded, 78, 86totally ordered, 68