inverse, 30product space
norm, 538product topology, 504products of Borel sets, 259, 322progressively measurable, 817progressively measurable
integral of, 819progressively measurable version, 821projection in Hilbert space, 577Prokhorov’s theorem, 770
quadratic variationconvergence in probability, 904fantastic properties, 887
Rademacher’s theorem, 441Radon measure, 253, 263, 362, 363Radon Nikodym
Radon measures, 343theorem, 302
Radon Nikodym derivative, 302Radon Nikodym property, 680Radon Nikodym theorem
Radon Measures, 343random variable, 715
distribution measure, 256random vector, 715
independent, 736rank, 35rank of a matrix, 50rank theorem, 221rational function, 130real and imaginary parts, 284recognizing a martingale
stopping times, 859refinement of a cover, 705reflexive Banach Space, 546reflexive Banach space, 631
weak compactness, 560regular, 253regular measure space, 362regular topological space, 502regular values, 410resolvent, 605retract, 329
Banach space, 712closed and convex set, 712
fixed point property, 329reverse sub-martingale, 802Reynolds
transport formula, 494Riemann integral, Lebesgue integral, 294Riesz F., 374Riesz map, 579Riesz representation theorem, 684
Hilbert space, 579locally compact Hausdorff space, 516
Riesz Representation theoremC (X), 642
Riesz representation theorem Lp
σ finite case, 630, 687finite measures, 626
Riesz representation theorem for L1
finite measures, 629right inverse, 37–39right polar factorization, 21row equivalent, 33row operations, 24row operations
linear relationships, 31row rank, 50row reduced echelon form, 32row reduced echelon form
existence, 33uniqueness, 34
Russell’s paradox, 59
saddle point, 147Sard’s theorem, 332, 412scalars, 99Schaefer fixed point theorem, 165Schauder fixed point
approximate fixed point, 164Schauder fixed point theorem, 165, 166Schroder Bernstein theorem, 60Schur’s theorem, 19Schwartz class, 386second derivative, 193second derivative test, 219, 220sections of open sets, 196self adjoint, 595semigroup, 600
adjoint, 614contraction
bounded, 603