But also you can do a sloppy estimate which will allow the use of the dominated conver-gence theorem.∥∥∥∥∥∑k, j fkg j (Mτ l (t ∧ tk+1)−Mτ l (t ∧ tk)) ,

(Nτ l(t ∧ t j+1

)−Nτ l (t ∧ t j)


k, j| fk|∣∣g j∣∣4M∗N∗ ∈ L1 (Ω)

by assumption. Thus the left side of 33.7 converges as l→ ∞ to∫Ω

∑k, j

fkg j((M (t ∧ tk+1)−M (t ∧ tk)) ,

(N(t ∧ t j+1

)−N (t ∧ t j)



(∫ t

0f dM,

∫ t



dP ■

Note for each ω, the inside integral in 33.2 is just a Stieltjes integral taken with respectto the increasing integrating function [M].

Of course, with this estimate it is obvious how to extend the integral to a larger class offunctions.

Definition 33.0.3 Let ν (ω) denote the Radon measure representing the functional

Λ(ω)(g)≡∫ T

0gd [M] (t)(ω)

(t→ [M] (t)(ω) is a continuous increasing function and ν (ω) is the measure representingthe Stieltjes integral, one for each ω .) Then let GM denote functions f (s,ω) which are thelimit of such elementary functions in the space L2

(Ω;L2 ([0,T ] ,ν (·))

), the norm of such

functions being

∥ f∥2G ≡


∫ T

0f (s)2 d [M] (s)dP

For f ∈ G just defined, ∫ t

0f dM ≡ lim


∫ t


where { fn} is a sequence of elementary functions converging to f in

L2 (Ω;L2 ([0,T ] ,ν (·))


Now here is an interesting lemma.

Lemma 33.0.4 Let M,N be continuous local martingales, M (0) = N (0) = 0 havingvalues in a separable Hilbert space, U. Then

[M+N]1/2 ≤([M]1/2 +[N]1/2


[M+N]≤ 2([M]+ [N]) (33.9)

Also, let νM+N denote the measure obtained from the increasing function [M+N] andνN ,νM be defined similarly,

νM+N ≤ 2(νM +νN) (33.10)

on all Borel sets.

887But also you can do a sloppy estimate which will allow the use of the dominated conver-gence theorem.Y fies j (M™ (tA tee) —M™ (tAtg)) ,(N™ (tAtin1) —N™ (tAtj)) |kj<P | fel |gj|4°n* € L' (Q)kjby assumption. Thus the left side of 33.7 converges as | — to[dasi ((M (tAtey1) —M (tAtg)), (N (tAti41) —N (tAtj))) dPkj= [, (ram [ ean) comNote for each @, the inside integral in 33.2 is just a Stieltjes integral taken with respectto the increasing integrating function [M].Of course, with this estimate it is obvious how to extend the integral to a larger class offunctions.Definition 33.0.3 Lev (@) denote the Radon measure representing the functionalA(o)(e)= [gall (@)(t — [M] (t) (@) is a continuous increasing function and v (@) is the measure representingthe Stieltjes integral, one for each @.) Then let Gy denote functions f (s,@) which are thelimit of such elementary functions in the space L? (Q;L? ([0,T],Vv(-))) , the norm of suchfunctions beingisle = ff FoR aim arFor f € G just defined,[same jim, [hamwhere {f,} is a sequence of elementary functions converging to f inL? (9:1? ((0,7],v(-))).Now here is an interesting lemma.Lemma 33.0.4 Let M,N be continuous local martingales, M(0) = N(0) = 0 havingvalues in a separable Hilbert space, U. Then[M+N]!/2 < (mi? + I1"””) (33.8)[M+ N] < 2((M]-+ [N]) (33.9)Also, let Vy+4n denote the measure obtained from the increasing function [M+ N] andvn; Vo be defined similarly,View <2(V + vw) (33.10)on all Borel sets.