from uniform continuity of g. Therefore, from 32.14∫ T


∫ T

0∥ f (γn (u− s)+ s)− f (u)∥p duds

≤ 2p−1∫ T


∫ T

0∥g(γn (u− s)+ s)−g(u)∥p duds

+2p−1∫ T


∫ T

0∥ f (γn (u− s)+ s)− f (u)− (g(γn (u− s)+ s)−g(u))∥p

E duds

≤ 2p−1εT +2p−1 (2p−16εT


Now γn (u− s)+ s≥ 0 unless u < δ . So consider∫ T


∫ T


∥∥ f((γn (u− s)+ s)+

)− f (u)


∫ T


∫ T

2−n∥ f (γn (u− s)+ s)− f (u)∥p duds+

∫ T


∫ 2−n

0∥ f (u)∥p duds

≤ 2p−1εT +2p−1 (2p−16εT

)+ ε ≡ η

Thus, since ε is arbitrary, so is η .The function u→ (γn (u− s)+ s)+ has jumps 0 = t0, t1, t2, ....tmn−1, tmn = T where these

are listed in increasing order. The possible values of these ti are k2−n + s for some k ∈ Z.They are equally spaced being 2−n apart except for the first two and the last two which areno more than 2−n. One can slide this list of partition points around according to the choiceof s ∈ [0,T ]. Now suppose you have a set of measure zero N. Pick s ∈ [0,T ] such that noneof the ti are in N and ∫ T


∥∥ f((γn (u− s)+ s)+

)− f (u)

∥∥pE du < 2η

Now let fn (u)≡∑mnk=1 f (tk−1)X[tk−1,tk) (u). This is a step function of the desired sort. Then

∫ T

0∥ fn (u)− f (u)∥p

E du =mn


∫ tk


∥ f (tk−1)− f (u)∥pE du



∫ tk


∥∥ f((γn (u− s)+ s)+

)− f (u)

∥∥pE du

=∫ T


∥∥ f((γn (u− s)+ s)+

)− f (u)

∥∥pE du < 2η

Picking a sequence of these step functions f j corresponding to η = 2− j, one obtains thedesired sequence in which values of f are assigned at the left end point of the interval.Making n still larger in the above argument and using the same argument with the right endpoints, one can also obtain a similar step function in which the values of f are given at theright end point which also converges to f in L2 ([0,T ] ,E). ■

882 CHAPTER 32. QUADRATIC VARIATIONfrom uniform continuity of g. Therefore, from 32.14T ,T[fl Wt nus) +s) =P (WIP duds0 JOT T< LL ely (u-s)-+s)—g(w)| duds+2?! i [ IF tn (us) +8) — f (u) = (8% (us) +8) — 8 (w)) lle duds<2?-leT +2?! (2?-'6eT) (32.15)Now y, (u—s) +s > 0 unless u < 6. So considerT Tv >[ [ IF (Ym (us) +8)") = f (w)|I? duds <T /T T pon[Lf litantu=s+9) re rauds+ f° [Ir auas<2?-leT +2?! (2? eT) +e =nThus, since € is arbitrary, so is 1.The function u > (y, (u—s) + s)* has jumps 0 = fo, 1, f2, .---tiny—1,4m, = T where theseare listed in increasing order. The possible values of these t; are k2~” + s for some k € Z.They are equally spaced being 2~” apart except for the first two and the last two which areno more than 2~”. One can slide this list of partition points around according to the choiceof s € [0,7]. Now suppose you have a set of measure zero N. Pick s € [0,7] such that noneof the ¢; are in N and[ IF (Mn (u—s) +s)*) — f (u)||7 du <2nNow let fn (u) = Dy f (te-1) 2ty_ 4) (uw). This is a step function of the desired sort. Then[Win Foieau=¥ | ps) Flea. ke tetmn= YL Wn) +5") swekal" 'k-1= [ IF (Yt: (us) +8)°) =f (u) || du < 2nPicking a sequence of these step functions f; corresponding to 7 = 2~J, one obtains thedesired sequence in which values of f are assigned at the left end point of the interval.Making n still larger in the above argument and using the same argument with the right endpoints, one can also obtain a similar step function in which the values of f are given at theright end point which also converges to f in L? ((0,7],£). i