Let β > 2 and let δ ∈ (0,1) . Then β −1 > 1 > δ > 0. Consider the following which isset up to use the good lambda inequality.

Sr ≡ [M∗ > βλ ]∩[([M] (T ))1/2 ≤ rδλ

]where 0 < r < 1.It is shown that Sr corresponds to hitting “this before that” and there is anestimate for this which involves P([N∗ > 0]) which is bounded above by P([M∗ > λ ]) asdiscussed above. This will satisfy the hypotheses of the good lambda inequality.

Claim: For ω ∈ Sr, N (t) hits λ2(


Proof of claim: For ω ∈ Sr, there exists a t < T such that ∥M (t)∥ > βλ and so usingCorollary 32.4.3 and triangle inequality,

N (t) ≥ |∥M (t)∥−∥Mτ (t)∥|2− [M−Mτ ] (t)≥ |βλ −λ |2− [M] (t)

≥ (β −1)2λ



which shows that N (t) hits (β −1)2λ

2 − δ2λ

2 for ω ∈ Sr. By the intermediate valuetheorem, it also hits λ



. This proves the claim.

Claim: N (t)(ω) never hits −δ2λ

2 for ω ∈ Sr.

Proof of claim: Suppose t is the first time N (t) reaches −δ2λ

2. Then t > τ becauseN (t) = 0 on [0,τ] and so

N (t) = −δ2λ

2 ≥ |∥M (t)∥−λ |2− [M] (t)+ [Mτ ] (t)

≥ −r2λ


a contradiction since r < 1. This proves the claim.Therefore, for all ω ∈ Sr, N (t)(ω) reaches λ



before it reaches −δ2λ

2. Itfollows

P(Sr)≤ P(

N (t) reaches λ2(


before −δ2λ


and because of Theorem 31.6.3 this is no larger than

P([N∗ > 0])δ




2) = P([N∗ > 0])δ

2 ≤ δ2P([M∗ > λ ]) .

ThusP([M∗ > βλ ]∩

[([M] (T ))1/2 ≤ rδλ

])≤ P([M∗ > λ ])δ


By the good lambda inequality,∫Ω

F (M∗)dP≤C∫

F(([M] (T ))1/2


which is one half the inequality.Now consider the other half. This time define the stopping time τ by

τ ≡ inf{

t ∈ [0,T ] : ([M] (t))1/2 > λ

}and let

Sr ≡[([M] (T ))1/2 > βλ

]∩ [2M∗ ≤ rδλ ] .

876 CHAPTER 32. QUADRATIC VARIATIONLet B > 2 and let 6 € (0,1). Then B —1 > 1 > 6 > 0. Consider the following which isset up to use the good lambda inequality.5, = [M* > Bajo cm (Tr)? < r5A|where 0 <r < 1.It is shown that S, corresponds to hitting “this before that” and there is anestimate for this which involves P ([N* > 0]) which is bounded above by P([M* > A]) asdiscussed above. This will satisfy the hypotheses of the good lambda inequality.Claim: For @ € S,, N (t) hits 4? (1 — 5°) ;Proof of claim: For @ € S,, there exists a t < T such that ||M (t)|| > BA and so usingCorollary 32.4.3 and triangle inequality,2 2[IM (2) || — [IMP II — [M—M*] (1) > [BA — A)? — [M1] (1)(B _ 1A? _ 87)2N(t)IVIVwhich shows that N(t) hits (B —1)?4? — 6°A? for w € S,. By the intermediate valuetheorem, it also hits A? (1 - 5°) . This proves the claim.Claim: N (t) (@) never hits —6°A” for @ € S,.Proof of claim: Suppose ¢ is the first time N (t) reaches —5°A7. Then ¢ > T becauseN (t) =0 on [0,7] and so242 2N(t) = -6 A> |||\M(t)| AP —[M]() + [M7] (0)> —P 278’,a contradiction since r < |. This proves the claim.Therefore, for all @ € S,, N(t)(@) reaches A? (1 — 5°) before it reaches —57A7. ItfollowsP(S;) <P (v (t) reaches A? (1 — 5°) before — 5A)and because of Theorem 31.6.3 this is no larger thanwie(1-8) — (6°27)P((M* > Bal |((M)(T))"? <r8Aa]) < P(iM* > a)) 8?P([N* > 0]) = P([N* > 0]) 6° < 6°P([M* > A)).ThusBy the good lambda inequality,[Funars CLF (((m (7))"”) dPwhich is one half the inequality.Now consider the other half. This time define the stopping time t byc= int {re [0,7]: ((M|()"? >a}and letS.= (im) (rT)? > a Nn [2M* < rd}.