The proof of the Burkholder Davis Gundy inequality also will depend on the hittingthis before that theorem which is listed next for convenience.

Theorem 32.5.2 Let {M (t)} be a continuous real valued martingale adapted to thenormal filtration Ft and let

M∗ ≡ sup{|M (t)| : t ≥ 0}

and M (0) = 0. Lettingτx ≡ inf{t > 0 : M (t) = x}

Then if a < 0 < b the following inequalities hold.

(b−a)P([τb ≤ τa])≥−aP([M∗ > 0])≥ (b−a)P([τb < τa])

and(b−a)P([τa < τb])≤ bP([M∗ > 0])≤ (b−a)P([τa ≤ τb]) .

In words, P([τb ≤ τa]) is the probability that M (t) hits b no later than when it hits a. (Notethat if τa = ∞ = τb then you would have [τa = τb] .)

Then the Burkholder Davis Gundy inequality is as follows. Generalizations will bepresented later.

Theorem 32.5.3 Let {M (t)} be a continuous H valued martingale which is uni-formly bounded, M (0) = 0, where H is a separable Hilbert space and t ∈ [0,T ] . Then if Fis a function of the sort described in the good lambda inequality above, there are constants,C and c independent of such martingales M such that


F(([M] (T ))1/2



F (M∗)dP≤C∫

F(([M] (T ))1/2


whereM∗ (ω)≡ sup{∥M (t)(ω)∥ : t ∈ [0,T ]} .

Proof: Using Corollary 32.4.3, let

N (t) ≡ ∥M (t)−Mτ (t)∥2− [M−Mτ ] (t)

= ∥M (t)−Mτ (t)∥2− [M] (t)+ [M]τ (t)

whereτ ≡ inf{t ∈ [0,T ] : ∥M (t)∥> λ}

Thus N is a martingale and N (0)= 0. In fact N (t)= 0 as long as t ≤ τ . As usual inf( /0)≡∞.Note

for some t<T,∥M(t)∥>λ

[τ < ∞] = [M∗ > λ ]⊇ [N∗ > 0]

This is because to say τ < ∞ is to say there exists t < T such that ∥M (t)∥> λ which is thesame as saying M∗ > λ . Thus the first two sets are equal. Either τ < ∞ or τ = ∞. If τ = ∞,then from the formula for N (t) above, N (t) = 0 for all t ∈ [0,T ] and so it can’t happen thatN∗ > 0. Thus [τ = ∞]⊆ [N∗ = 0] so [N∗ > 0]⊆ [τ < ∞].