and consider I (w)≡∫

Bε(w(t,ω) ,ek)

2 d (P×m), where the measure is product measure. Itfollows that I is clearly convex and strongly lower semicontinuous on

H ≡ L2 (Ω× [0,T ] ;H)

To see that this is strongly lower semicontinuous, suppose wn→ w in H but

lim infn→∞

I (wn)< I (w) .

Then take a subsequence, still denoted with n such that the liminf equals lim. Then take afurther subsequence, still denoted with n such that wn (t,ω)→ w(t,ω) for a.e.(t,ω). Thenby Fatou’s lemma,

I (w)≤ lim infn→∞

I (wn)< I (ω)

a contradiction. Thus I is strongly lower semicontinuous as claimed. By convexity, it isalso weakly lower semicontinuous. Hence by the weak convergence of un to u 79.4.47,

lim infn→∞


(un (t,ω) ,ek)2 d (P×m)≥


(u(t,ω) ,ek)2 d (P×m)


lim infn→∞

(un (t,ω) ,ek)2 d (P×m)+ ε (P×m)(Bε)

Thus (P×m)(Bε) = 0. Since this is so for each ε > 0, it must be the case that the claimedinequality is satisfied off a set of measure zero. Let Σ denote this progressively measurableset of product measure zero.

LetMε ≡ {t : (t,ω) ∈ Σ for ω in a set of measure larger than ε,Nε} .

Mε ≡{

t :∫

XΣ (t,ω)dP > ε

}If this set has positive measure, then

m(Mε)ε ≤∫


XΣ (t,ω)dPdt ≤ (P×m)(Σ) = 0.

Thus each Mε has measure zero and so, taking the union of Mε for ε a sequence convergingto 0, it follows that for t /∈M, defined as ∪ε Mε ,(t,ω) is in Σ only for ω in a set of measure≤ ε for each ε . Thus for t /∈M, (t,ω) is in Σ only for ω in a set of measure zero. Lettingt /∈M, it follows from 79.4.54 that for a.e. ω

lim infn→∞|un (t,ω)|2 = lim inf

n→∞∑k(un (t,ω) ,ek)


≥ ∑k

lim infn→∞

(un (t,ω) ,ek)2

≥ ∑k(u(t,ω) ,ek)

2 = |u(t,ω)|2H

Therefore, from Fatou’s lemma, for such t,

lim infn→∞


|un (t,ω)|2 dP≥∫

lim infn→∞|un (t,ω)|2 dP≥


|u(t,ω)|2H dP

This has proved the following fundamental result.

79.4. STOCHASTIC INCLUSIONS WITHOUT UNIQUENESS ?? 2713and consider I (w) = Jp, (w(t, @) ,ex) d(P x m), where the measure is product measure. Itfollows that J is clearly convex and strongly lower semicontinuous onHK =? (Qx(0,T];H)To see that this is strongly lower semicontinuous, suppose w, — w in # butlim inf J(w,) <I (w).nooThen take a subsequence, still denoted with n such that the liminf equals lim. Then take afurther subsequence, still denoted with n such that w, (t,@) > w(t, @) for a.e. (t,@). Thenby Fatou’s lemma,I(w) < lim inf I(w,) <1(@)n—-ooa contradiction. Thus J is strongly lower semicontinuous as claimed. By convexity, it isalso weakly lower semicontinuous. Hence by the weak convergence of u, to u 79.4.47,lim inf (un (,0) ex)°d(P xm) > | (u(t,@) ,e,)2d (Px m)n° JB Be> | lim inf. (uy (t, 00) ,ex)?d (P x m) +e (PX m) (Be)BeThus (P x m) (Be) = 0. Since this is so for each € > 0, it must be the case that the claimedinequality is satisfied off a set of measure zero. Let X denote this progressively measurableset of product measure zero.LetM, = {t: (t,@) € X for @ in a set of measure larger than €,N¢}.Me={r: [, 2(r,0)aP>e}If this set has positive measure, thenm(Me)€ < | | Xz (t,@)dPdt < (Px m)(Z) =0.Me JQThus each M; has measure zero and so, taking the union of M; for € a sequence convergingto 0, it follows that for t ¢ M, defined as UgMg, (t, @) is in Z only for @ in a set of measure< € for each €. Thus for t ¢ M, (t,@) is in only for @ in a set of measure zero. Lettingt ¢ M, it follows from 79.4.54 that for a.e. @oe 2 oe 2lim inf |un (t,@)|" = tim inf YU (um (t, @) , ex)> Yim inf (un (t,@) ex)”> Y (u(t,@) ey) = lu (t,@) |i)kTherefore, from Fatou’s lemma, for such f,lim int f lun (t.00)/'dP > | tim inf lun (t.0) Pap > | lu(t,@)|3, dPQ Q noo Qn—-ooThis has proved the following fundamental result.