1. A(·, t,ω) : V →P (V ′) is pseudomonotone and bounded: A(u, t,ω) is a closed con-vex set for each (t,ω), u→ A(u, t,ω) is bounded, and if un→ u weakly and

lim supn→∞

⟨zn,un−u⟩ ≤ 0,zn ∈ A(un, t,ω)

then for any v ∈V,

lim infn→∞⟨zn,un− v⟩ ≥ ⟨z(v) ,u− v⟩ some z(v) ∈ A(u, t,ω)

2. A(·, t,ω) satisfies the estimates: There exists b1 ≥ 0 and b2 ≥ 0, such that

||z||V ′ ≤ b1 ||u||p−1V +b2 (t,ω) , (79.4.42)

for all z ∈ A(u, t,ω) , b2 (·, ·) ∈ Lp′ ([0,T ]×Ω).

3. There exists a positive constant b3 and a nonnegative function b4 that is B ([0,T ])×FT measurable and also b4 (·, ·) ∈ L1 ([0,T ]×Ω), such that for some λ ≥ 0,


⟨z,u⟩ ≥ b3 ||u||pV −b4 (t,ω)−λ |u|2H . (79.4.43)

One can often reduce to the case that λ = 0 by using an exponential shift argument.

4. The mapping (t,ω)→ A(u(t,ω) , t,ω) is measurable in the sense that

(t,ω)→ A(u(t,ω) , t,ω)

is a progressively measurable multifunction with respect to P whenever (t,ω)→u(t,ω) is in V ≡ V p ≡ Lp ([0,T ]×Ω;V,P) .

As mentioned one can often reduce to the case where λ = 0 in 3. Indeed, let A(u, t,ω)be single valued for the sake of simplicity. Let

w = e−λ tu

where u satisfies

u(t)−u0 +1n

∫ t


∫ t

0A(u, t,ω)ds =

∫ t

0f ds+

∫ t


Then this amounts to(u−

∫ (·)




Fu+A(u, t,ω) = f , u(0) = u0

In terms of w, this is(eλ (·)w− eλ (·)

∫ (·)

0e−λ (·)




eλ (·)w)+A

(eλ (·)w, t,ω

)= f , u(0) = u0

79.4.STOCHASTIC INCLUSIONS WITHOUT UNIQUENESS ?? 2707. A(-,t,@):V — A(V’) is pseudomonotone and bounded: A (u,t, @) is a closed con-vex set for each (t,@), u > A(u,t, @) is bounded, and if u, > u weakly andlim sup (Zn,Un —U) <0, Zn € A (Un, t, @)n—yoothen for any v € V,lim inf (Zn;Un — Vv) > (z(v),u—v) some z(v) € A (u,t, @)n— oo. A(-,t,@) satisfies the estimates: There exists bj > 0 and bz > 0, such thatIIellyr < bi |u|?! +52 (t,@), (79.4.42)for all z € A(u,t,@), by (-,-) EL? ({0,7] x Q).. There exists a positive constant b3 and a nonnegative function by that is 4([0,T]) xFy measurable and also by (-,-) € L' ({0,7] x Q), such that for some A > 0,inf (z,u) > bs||ul|? — ba (t,@) —A lulz, (79.4.43)zEA(u,t,@)One can often reduce to the case that A = 0 by using an exponential shift argument.. The mapping (t,@) — A(u(t,@) ,t,@) is measurable in the sense that(t,@) > A(u(t,@),t,@)is a progressively measurable multifunction with respect to A whenever (t,@) >u(t,@) isin V =V,=L? ((0,T] x QV, PY).As mentioned one can often reduce to the case where A = 0 in 3. Indeed, let A (u,t, @)be single valued for the sake of simplicity. Letw=e"ywhere u satisfies1 t t t tu(t)—wo+— [ Fuds+ ['A(u,t,o)ds= | fas+ | ddW,n Jo 0 0 0Then this amounts to(+) ’(«-[ aw ) + Fu+A(u,t,0) = f, u(0) =u0 nIn terms of w, this is() ’(ew- 20 [ egaw ) +F (ew) +A (e4)w,t,00) = f, u(0) =u0