A.10 Topological Degree on SpheresDegree theory, as presented here is all based on Proposition A.6.5 and Lemma A.7.1. Itmight be a good idea to have a quick review of this.

Definition A.10.1 Suppose for n≥ 1 we have f : Sn→ Sn a continuous function. We knowthat Hn (Sn) = Z and so there is a generator of Hn (Sn) called [c] . Thus f∗ ([c]) ∈ H∗ (Sn)and so there is an integer d such that f∗ ([c]) = d [c]. This d is called the degree of f ,denoted as d ( f ). Obviously d (id) = 1.

It is a good idea to find the degree of some other mappings besides the identity.

Lemma A.10.2 Let f : Sn→ Sn be continuous, n≥ 1 and defined as

f (x0, ...,xn) = (−x0,x2, ...,xn)

Then d ( f ) =−1.

Proof: First let n = 1 and let U be all of S1 except the bottom point and V is all of S1

except the top point. Thus U ∩V has two components and U ∪V = S1. Then we have thefollowing Mayer Vietoris sequence in which f∗ is an isomorphism because clearly f is ahomeomorphism.

=H1(R)=0H1 (U) ⊕

=H1(R)=0H1 (V )

↓ f∗⊕ f∗



↓ f∗


H0 (U ∩V )↓ f∗

h∗→=Z=H0(R)H0 (U) ⊕

=Z=H0(R)H0 (V )

↓ f∗⊕ f∗=H1(R)=0H1 (U) ⊕

=H1(R)=0H1 (V )

g∗→ H1(S1) ∆→ H0 (U ∩V )→

=Z=H0(R)H0 (U) ⊕

=Z=H0(R)H0 (V )

From the diagram, ∆ is one to one. What is ker(h∗)? If we know this, we will know theimage of ∆. As earlier when homology of spheres was presented, ker(h∗) = Im∆ will be{m([c]− [d]) : m ∈ Z} where here [c] , [d] are 0 simplices in the left side of U ∩V and theright side of U ∩V respectively. Any pair will work. Recall that c−d is a boundary in U .Thus ([c]− [d]) generates Im(∆). Now

f# (c−d)(t) ≡ f (c1 (t) ,c2 (t))− f (d1 (t) ,d2 (t))

= (−c1 (t) ,c2 (t))− (−d1 (t) ,d2 (t))

= (d1 (t) ,−d2 (t))− (c1 (t) ,−c2 (t))

These points on the left and right sides of U ∩V were arbitrary, so [d] =[d̂]

where d̂ (t) =(d1 (t) ,−d2 (t)) , a similar thing holding for c. Thus

f∗ ([c]− [d]) = [d]− [c]

Now, since ∆ is an isomorphism onto Im(∆) , a generator for H1(S1)

is ∆−1 ([c]− [d]) andso

∆ f∗∆−1 ([c]− [d]) = f∗∆(∆−1 ([c]− [d])

)= [d]− [c] = ∆

(∆−1 ([d]− [c])

)and so f∗∆−1 ([c]− [d]) =−∆−1 ([c]− [d]) showing that d ( f ) =−1.

Now assume this is true for Sn−1 and consider Sn,n > 1. Let U and V be as describedabove. Thus U,V are homeomorphic to Rn and U ∩V is homeomorphic to Rn \{0} and by

484 APPENDIX A. HOMOLOGICAL METHODS*A.10 Topological Degree on SpheresDegree theory, as presented here is all based on Proposition A.6.5 and Lemma A.7.1. Itmight be a good idea to have a quick review of this.Definition A.10.1 Suppose for n > 1 we have f : S" — S" a continuous function. We knowthat H,(S") = Z and so there is a generator of H,(S") called |c]. Thus f, ([c]) € Hx (S”)and so there is an integer d such that f,({c]) =d|c]. This d is called the degree of f,denoted as d(f). Obviously d (id) = 1.It is a good idea to find the degree of some other mappings besides the identity.Lemma A.10.2 Let f : S” — S" be continuous, n > 1 and defined asFf (X05 -)Xn) = (—x0,%2, ++ Xn)Then d(f) =—-1.Proof: First let n = 1 and let U be all of S' except the bottom point and V is all of S!except the top point. Thus U NV has two components and U UV = S!. Then we have thefollowing Mayer Vietoris sequence in which f, is an isomorphism because clearly f is ahomeomorphism.=H (R)=0 “2m =Z=H)(R) =Z=H(R)Hi(U) © Mh (V Sm (Ss 3!) Sp(Unv)!s HU) Ho(V)LfePfe ‘fe ifs Lfe®fe=H,(R)=0 =H) (R)=0 =Z=H)(R) =Z=Ho(R)M(U) @ M(V) “4M (S') 4. Hy (UNV) Ho(U) ® Ho(V)From the diagram, A is one to one. What is ker (h,)? If we know this, we will know theimage of A. As earlier when homology of spheres was presented, ker (/,) = ImA will be{m/({c] — [d]) :m € Z} where here [c] , [d] are 0 simplices in the left side of UMV and theright side of UNV respectively. Any pair will work. Recall that c—d is a boundary in U.Thus ([c] — [d]) generates Im (A). Nowfale—d)(t) = fler(€),c2(@))—f (di (t) 2 (€))= (-e1 (€),c2(€)) —(—di (#) a2 (€))= (di (t), 42 (€)) — (er (), -€2 (€))These points on the left and right sides of UNV were arbitrary, so [d] = [d] where d (t) =(d, (t) , —d (€)) , a similar thing holding for c. Thusdy (C2 (Now, since A is an isomorphism onto Im (A), a generator for H; (S') is A~! ({c] — [d]) andsoAf.A~" ((e] — [d]) = fA (A ([c] —[d])) = [d] — [e] = A (4 ([a] —[e]))and so f,A7! ({e] — [d]) = —A™! ([c] — [d]) showing that d(f) = —1.Now assume this is true for S’~! and consider S”,n > 1. Let U and V be as describedabove. Thus U,V are homeomorphic to R” and UNV is homeomorphic to R” \ {0} and by