Then Sn−1 is the intersection of Rn with Sn. Also U will be all of Sn except for the toppoint t while V will be all of Sn except the bottom point b. The line illustrates how Rn ishomeomorphic to U and similarly homeomorphic to V . Thus, from the picture, U ∩V ishomeomorphic to Rn \0. From Lemma A.3.11

Hm (U ∩V )≈ Hm (Rn \0)≈ Hm(Sn−1) .

Then from the Mayer Vietoris sequence above and letting X = Sn =U ∪V,


Hm (Rn)⊕0=Hm(V )

Hm (Rn)g∗→ Hm (Sn)

∆→Hm−1(U∩V )



Hm−1 (Rn)⊕0

Hm−1 (Rn)g∗→ (1.17)

Proposition A.8.3 For m ≥ 1,Hm (Sm) = Z and if m ̸= n, then Hm (Sn) = 0. Also, for anyn≥ 1,H0 (Sn) = Z.

Proof: The last claim follows because Sn is path connected. The first claim was shownabove in case n = 1. So suppose the claim is true for n− 1. Consider n and the casewhere m = n. Then from 1.17, the left side is 0 because Rn is convex, so Im(g∗) =0 = ker(∆) which shows that ∆ is one to one. Also Hm−1 (Rn)⊕Hm−1 (Rn) = 0 and soker f∗ = Im(∆) = Hm−1


)which shows that ∆ is an isomorphism. Hence by induction

Hn (Sn)≈ Hn−1(Sn−1

)≈ Z.

Next consider the case that m < n. By induction, Hm−1(Sn−1

)= 0 but ∆ in 1.17 is still

one to one. Hence Hm (Sn) = 0 since otherwise ∆ would fail to be one to one.Next consider the case that m > n. In this case Im(g∗) is still 0 and so ∆ is still one to

one. Again, by induction, we have Hm−1(Sn−1

)= 0 so again Hm (Sn) = 0 since otherwise

∆ would fail to be one to one. This proves the proposition. ■

A.9 Brouwer Fixed PointsCorollary A.9.1 Sn and Sm are not homeomorphic if n ̸= m.

Proof: If they were homeomorphic, they would have the same homology groups andthey don’t. ■

Note that if Rn and Rm for n ̸= m were homeomorphic, then, their one point compact-ifications would be homeomorphic and hence, using steriographic projection Sn and Sm

would also be homeomorphic which they are not. Steriographic projection involves addinga point at ∞ with the understanding that neighborhoods of this point are complements ofcompact sets so {xn} converges to ∞ means that limn→∞ |xn|= ∞ in the usual manner fromcalculus. The picture illustrating the idea is as follows. The point at ∞ maps to the top pointof the sphere.






Corollary A.9.2 If m ̸= n, then Rn is not homeomorphic to Rm.

482 APPENDIX A. HOMOLOGICAL METHODS*Then $”~! is the intersection of R” with S”. Also U will be all of S” except for the toppoint t while V will be all of S” except the bottom point b. The line illustrates how R” ishomeomorphic to U and similarly homeomorphic to V. Thus, from the picture, U MV ishomeomorphic to R” \ 0. From Lemma A.3.11Hm (UNV) © Hm (R"\ 0) © Hm (S""').Then from the Mayer Vietoris sequence above and letting X = S” =U UV,O=Hm(U) 0=Hn(V) a mt (unV)— Hm (R") © Hm (R") “$ Hin (S") 4 Hin—1 (S"~)0 04, Aim—| (R") 8 Am—1 (R") ss (1.17)Proposition A.8.3 For m > 1, Hi, (S") = Z and ifm #n, then Hy, (S") = 0. Also, for anyn> 1,Ho(S") = Z.Proof: The last claim follows because S” is path connected. The first claim was shownabove in case n = |. So suppose the claim is true for nm — 1. Consider n and the casewhere m =n. Then from 1.17, the left side is 0 because R” is convex, so Im(g,) =0 = ker(A) which shows that A is one to one. Also H,,—; (R") ® Hy»—-1 (R") = 0 and soker f, = Im (A) = Am—1 (S"~!) which shows that A is an isomorphism. Hence by inductionH, (S") © Hy) (S""!) © Z.Next consider the case that m <n. By induction, H—1 (S"~!) = 0 but A in 1.17 is stillone to one. Hence H,,, (S”) = 0 since otherwise A would fail to be one to one.Next consider the case that m > n. In this case Im (g,.) is still 0 and so A is still one toone. Again, by induction, we have H,,—1 (S"~!) = 0 so again H,, (S”) = 0 since otherwiseA would fail to be one to one. This proves the proposition.A.9 Brouwer Fixed PointsCorollary A.9.1 S" and S" are not homeomorphic ifn 4 m.Proof: If they were homeomorphic, they would have the same homology groups andthey don’t. HiNote that if IR” and R” for n 4 m were homeomorphic, then, their one point compact-ifications would be homeomorphic and hence, using steriographic projection S” and S”would also be homeomorphic which they are not. Steriographic projection involves addinga point at co with the understanding that neighborhoods of this point are complements ofcompact sets so {a,, } converges to co means that lim,_,.. |@,| = °° in the usual manner fromcalculus. The picture illustrating the idea is as follows. The point at co maps to the top pointof the sphere.(0.2)R”Corollary A.9.2 [fm # n, then R” is not homeomorphic to R".