consist of the free group generated by{

φ ∈ SUn (X) : ∂φ = 0

}and letting BU

n (X) be thosec ∈ ZU

n (X) which are of the form c = ∂d for some d ∈ Sn+1 (X) ,



n (X))≡ ZU

n (X)/Bn (X)

Observation A.5.19 One should also observe the following. If U is a covering of X andV is a covering of Y and f : X → Y is continuous with the property that for each U ∈U ,f (U) is contained in some V ∈ V then f# : SU

n (X)→ SVn (Y ) is a homomorphism.

Proposition A.5.20 Let K be a compact subset in a metric space and let U be an opencovering of K. Then there exists δ > 0 such that B(k,δ ) is contained in some U ∈ U forevery k ∈ K. This δ is called a Lebesgue number.

Proof: If δ does not exist, then for each n ∈ N there exists kn such that B(kn,



not contained in any single open set from U . However, since K is compact, there is asubsequence, still denoted as kn which converges to k ∈ K. Now k ∈U for some U ∈ Uand since U is open, B(k,2ε)⊆U for some ε. Now for all n large enough, kn ∈ B(k,ε) andso B(kn,ε)⊆U which is a contradiction. ■

Now here is the main result.

Theorem A.5.21 Let U be a covering of X such that {int(U) : U ∈U } which is denotedas int(U ) is also a covering of X. Then for i the identity map, i∗ : Hn


n (X))→ Hn (X)

is an isomorphism. In fact, if c ∈ Hn (X) then there exists ĉ ∈ Hn(SU

n (X))

with [ĉ] = [c].

Proof: Let c be a cycle in Sn (X). From Proposition A.5.17, [c] = [S c] . By induction,we have [c] = [S mc] . Say c = ∑φ nφ φ and, as observed, all the simplices ψ in the chainS mc have the property that their images in X are of the form φ (α) where φ is one offinitely many simplices in the cycle c and α is a set of sufficiently small diameter thatφ (α) must be contained in some int(U) provided m is sufficiently large. To see that mexists, note that φ (σn) is compact so there exists a Lebesgue number for this compactset with the covering U . When all the φ (α) are smaller than this number they are eachcontained in a single int(U). ■

From this, it appears that we can compute Hn(SU

n (X))

and obtain Hn (X) becausethe inclusion map is onto. Also note that, from the construction, the geometric simplicesin S m+1c are each contained in a simplex of S mc which is itself the union of those inS m+1c.

A.6 Exact SequencesThis section is completely free of context and is pure algebra. Actually the boundary mapsare on different levels so could be denoted with a subscript to indicate which level. How-ever, I will continue to use ∂ . It is only the algebraic properties of this map which areimportant.

Definition A.6.1 Let C,D,E be Abelian groups. For f ,g the indicated homomorphisms,we say that this sequence is exact of f (C) = ker(g)

Cf→ D

g→ E

474 APPENDIX A. HOMOLOGICAL METHODS*consist of the free group generated by {@ ES” (X):d¢= oO} and letting BY (X) be thosec € ZY (X) which are of the form c = Od for some d € Sn41(X),Hy (Si (X)) = 2 (X) /Bu (X)Observation A.5.19 One should also observe the following. If Y is a covering of X andV is a covering of Y and f : X — Y is continuous with the property that for each U € Y,f (U) is contained in some V € ¥ then fx: S” (X) — SY (Y) is a homomorphism.Proposition A.5.20 Let K be a compact subset in a metric space and let Y be an opencovering of K. Then there exists 6 > 0 such that B(k,6) is contained in some U € W forevery k € K. This 6 is called a Lebesgue number.Proof: If 5 does not exist, then for each n € N there exists k, such that B (kn, +) isnot contained in any single open set from @%. However, since K is compact, there is asubsequence, still denoted as k, which converges tok € K. Nowk € U for some U € Yand since U is open, B(k,2€) C U for some €. Now for all n large enough, k, € B(k,€) andso B (ky, €) CU which is a contradiction. liNow here is the main result.Theorem A.5.21 Let Y be a covering of X such that {int(U) :U € Y} which is denotedas int(Y) is also a covering of X. Then for i the identity map, ix : Hy (S7 (X)) + Hy (X)is an isomorphism. In fact, if c € Hn (X) then there exists ¢ € Hn (S” (X)) with [é] = [c].Proof: Let c be a cycle in S, (X). From Proposition A.5.17, [c] = [7c]. By induction,we have [c] = [7c]. Say c = Lgng@ and, as observed, all the simplices y in the chain-*"c have the property that their images in X are of the form ¢(@) where @ is one offinitely many simplices in the cycle c and @ is a set of sufficiently small diameter that(a) must be contained in some int(U) provided m is sufficiently large. To see that mexists, note that @(0,,) is compact so there exists a Lebesgue number for this compactset with the covering @. When all the ¢(@) are smaller than this number they are eachcontained in a single int(U). iFrom this, it appears that we can compute H, (s” (X)) and obtain H, (X) becausethe inclusion map is onto. Also note that, from the construction, the geometric simplicesin .”*!¢ are each contained in a simplex of .“’"c which is itself the union of those inAmro.A.6 Exact SequencesThis section is completely free of context and is pure algebra. Actually the boundary mapsare on different levels so could be denoted with a subscript to indicate which level. How-ever, I will continue to use 0. It is only the algebraic properties of this map which areimportant.Definition A.6.1 Let C,D,E be Abelian groups. For f,g the indicated homomorphisms,we say that this sequence is exact of f (C) = ker (g)C>3D>E