It follows that, since pn+1 = m

dn =∏ j<n+1

∣∣m− p j∣∣

∏ j<n+1 (m+ p j +1)√(2m+1)




∣∣m− p j∣∣

(m+ p j +1)

The idea is to let n→ ∞ and see whether the distance between the best approximation andx→ xm converges to 0. That is, to determine whether dn → 0. I want m an integer to bearbitrary and for the sake of convenience, I want

∣∣m− p j∣∣= p j−m for all j large enough.

Therefore, one needs to have limk→∞ pk = ∞. From now on, this is assumed. It is desiredto have

−∞ = limn→∞



2m+1)= lim





∣∣m− p j∣∣

(m+ p j +1)


Note that 0 <|m−p j|

(m+p j+1)= r j < 1 and so it is easily shown that

ln(1− (1− r j)) ∈ (−2(1− r j) ,−(1− r j)) .

It follows that dn→ 0 if and only if


1−p j−m

m+ p j +1= ∑


2m+1m+ p j +1

diverges. But by the limit comparison test from calculus, this happens if and only if ∑ j1p j=

∞. This proves most of the following theorem.

Theorem 16.5.1 Let g ∈C ([0,1]) . Then there exists a sequence hk consisting of a linearcombination of functions fp j such that |g−hn| → 0. Here we define Vn ≡ span( fp1 , ..., fpn)

where no pk is an integer, all are larger than −1/2, and limn→∞ pn = ∞ and ∑k1pk

= ∞.

Proof: Let ε > 0 be given. By the Weierstrass approximation theorem, there is apolynomial p(x) such that |g− p| ≤ ∥g− pn∥ < ε where the second norm is the supre-mum norm of the Weierstrass theorem. Thus p is a linear combination of functions fmfor m an integer. p = ∑

Lk=1 ck fk. Let hnk ∈ Vnk such that

∣∣hnk − fk∣∣ |ck| < ε

L . Let n >

max{nk : k ≤ L} . Consider h ∈ Vn defined by h ≡ ∑Lk=1 ckhnk . Then |h−g| ≤ |h− p|+

|p−g| ≤ ∑Lk=1

∣∣ckhnk − ck fk∣∣+ ε < L ε

L + ε = 2ε . It follows that letting εk → 0, thereexists hk consisting of a finite linear combination of functions of the form fp j such that|hk−g| → 0. ■

This is the first Müntz theorem. The second one involves approximation in the usualnorm for continuous function ∥ f∥ ≡ max{| f (x)| : x ∈ [0,1]}. It also depends on linearalgebra techniques.

Theorem 16.5.2 Let 12 < pk, none of the pk are zero, and limk→∞ pk = ∞ and ∑k


= ∞.

Let Vn ≡ span(1, fp1 , ..., fpn) . Then if g ∈C ([0,1]) and ε > 0, there exists h ∈Vn for somen such that ∥g−h∥ ≤ ε .

Proof: This follows in the same way as above if I can show that for all m a nonnegativeinteger, there is a function h∈Vn with ∥h− fm∥< ε . Since 1 is included, there is nothing to

16.5. THE MUNTZ THEOREMS 453It follows that, since pp. =mTj<nsi |m— p,| _ 1 |m— pjTj<nei (m+ pjptl) /Q2m+1) Vf (2m+1) jS1 (m+ pj +1)n=The idea is to let n — and see whether the distance between the best approximation andx — x’ converges to 0. That is, to determine whether d, — 0. I want m an integer to bearbitrary and for the sake of convenience, I want |m —p (| = pj—m for all j large enough.Therefore, one needs to have lim,_,.. p, = ce. From now on, this is assumed. It is desiredto have7 m= Pil= finde (dav2¥T) = fin m(t (iej<ntlNote that 0 < ani=rj; < 1 and so it is easily shown thatm+pjtl)In(l—(1—rj;)) € (-2(1—rj),-(-7,)).It follows that d,, — 0 if and only if2m+1=)1-J Jdiverges. But by the limit comparison test from calculus, this happens if and only if )°; by =co. This proves most of the following theorem.Theorem 16.5.1 Let g € C([0,1]). Then there exists a sequence hx consisting of a linearcombination of functions fp, such that |g —hn| + 0. Here we define V, = span (fp, ,---s fpn)where no p, is an integer, all are larger than —1/2, and limp. Pn = 0% and Y, x = co,Proof: Let € > 0 be given. By the Weierstrass approximation theorem, there is apolynomial p(x) such that |g—p| < ||g—pz|| < € where the second norm is the supre-mum norm of the Weierstrass theorem. Thus p is a linear combination of functions fi,for m an integer. p = Yi, cx fx. Let hn, © Vn, Such that Png — fi| len] < F. Letn >max {ng :k <L}. Consider h € V, defined by h = Yi_, ckltn,. Then |h—g| < |h—p| +Ip—gel < vk, |ckling —cxfe| +e<L>+e=2e. It follows that letting e, — 0, thereexists h, consisting of a finite linear combination of functions of the form f,, such thathg —8 | 0.08This is the first Miintz theorem. The second one involves approximation in the usualnorm for continuous function || /|| = max {|f (x)| : x € [0,1]}. It also depends on linearalgebra techniques.Theorem 16.5.2 Let ; < px, none of the px are zero, and lim, 4.0 py = 2% and Y x = 00,Let V, = span (1, fp, ,---s pn) - Then if g € C([0, 1]) and € > 0, there exists h € V, for somen such that ||g —hl| < €.Proof: This follows in the same way as above if I can show that for all m a nonnegativeinteger, there is a function h € V, with || — fin|| < €. Since 1 is included, there is nothing to