where limn→∞ en = 0 because it is a sum of bounded matrices which are multiplied by(ni

)/( n


). This quotient converges to 0 as n→ ∞ because i < r1. It follows that 15.2 is of

the form

yn =λ


snsn−1 · · ·s1



(λ−r11 Nr1

1 + en 00 En

)P−1 x≡ λ


snsn−1 · · ·s1



where En→ 0,en→ 0. Let(P−1x


denote the first m1 entries of the vector P−1x. Unlessa very unlucky choice for x was picked, it will follow that



/∈ ker(Nr1


). Then for

large n, yn is close to the vector


snsn−1 · · ·s1



(λ−r11 Nr1

1 00 0

)P−1 x≡ λ


snsn−1 · · ·s1


)w ≡ z ̸= 0

However, this is an eigenvector because

(A−λ 1I)w =

A−λ 1I︷ ︸︸ ︷P(J−λ 1I)P−1P

(λ−r11 Nr1

1 00 0




. . .

Jm−λ 1I


λ−r11 Nr1

1. . .



= P


−r11 Nr1

1 00 0

)P−1x= 0

Recall Nr1+11 = 0. Now you could recover an approximation to the eigenvalue as follows.




= λ 1

Here≊means “approximately equal”. However, there is a more convenient way to identifythe eigenvalue in terms of the scaling factors sk.∥∥∥∥ λ


sn · · ·s1




≊ 0

Pick the largest nonzero entry of w, wl . Then for large n, it is also likely the case thatthe largest entry of wn will be in the lth position because wm is close to w. From theconstruction,


sn · · ·s1


)wnl = 1≊


sn · · ·s1



In other words, for large n, λn1


( nr1

)≊ 1/wl . Therefore, for large n,


sn · · ·s1




sn+1sn · · ·s1




412 CHAPTER 15. NUMERICAL METHODS, EIGENVALUESwhere lim,-,.0€, = 0 because it is a sum of bounded matrices which are multiplied by(")/ (7). This quotient converges to 0 as n — © because i < rj. It follows that 15.2 is ofthe formy,-—i (")e APTN +en 0 \ nr, AY (")wsSnSn—1 °° St \T 1 0 En SnSn—1 °° SY \PIwhere E, > 0,e, —> 0. Let (P7! ©) ny denote the first m, entries of the vector P~!a. Unlessa very unlucky choice for « was picked, it will follow that (P~' ) ¢ ker (N;') . Then forlarge n, y,, is close to the vectorn rl) YT] nni (") A, N, 0 Psia2= uM ("Jw=2x0SnSn—1°°° S1 \1 0 0 SnSn—1°°'S1 \THowever, this is an eigenvector becauseA-AiIaN AN! 0)(ayn BU AP a“ ) PteMN AV Nt!P P'p P leIm — Aq 0TAI= p( NAN 9 \ pig eo0 0Recall Ny 1+! 0. Now you could recover an approximation to the eigenvalue as follows.(AYns Yn) ~, (AZ 2) _(YnsYn) (22) “4Here © means “approximately equal”. However, there is a more convenient way to identifythe eigenvalue in terms of the scaling factors sx.AinSpore Sy (") (wn —w)Pick the largest nonzero entry of w, w;. Then for large n, it is also likely the case thatthe largest entry of w, will be in the /” position because w, is close to w. From theconstruction,Ay n Ar n| Wy = 1 u WISy S] r| Sy ST r|nry20conIn other words, for large n, ao (at (") antl ("*")Sno St \T1 Sn+15Sn°°* $1 r|) & 1/w;. Therefore, for large n,12