In terms of the material basis, {e1 (t) ,e2 (t) ,e3 (t)} which is fixed with the body,

(ω (t)×x(t,x)) =

∣∣∣∣∣∣∣e1 (t) e2 (t) e3 (t)ω1 (t) ω2 (t) ω3 (t)

x1 x2 x3

∣∣∣∣∣∣∣where the ω i are the components of ω taken with respect to {e1 (t) ,e2 (t) ,e3 (t)} and aswe observed earlier, {x1,x2,x3} are the coordinates of the vector x(t,x) taken with respectto the {e1 (t) ,e2 (t) ,e3 (t)} . To simplify the integrand in 2.1 that long cross product issimplified.

Lemma B.0.3 Let a,b,c be three dimensional vectors. Then

a×(b×c) = (a ·c)b− (a ·b)c.

Proof: Let an orthonormal right handed coordinate system {e1,e2,e3} be given. Then

a×(b×c) = ε i jka j (b×c)k ei

= ε i jkεkpqa jbpcqei

= εki jεkpqa jbpcqei

= (δ ipδ jq−δ jpδ iq)a jbpcqei

= (a jbic j−a jb jci)ei

= (a ·c)b− (a ·b)c. ■

Now simplify the integrand using this lemma.

x(t,x)× (ω (t)×x(t,x))

= (x(t,x) ·x(t,x))ω (t)− (x(t,x) ·ω (t))x(t,x) .

Writing x(t,x) and ω (t) in terms of the material coordinates,

ω (t) = ω1e1 (t)+ω2e2 (t)+ω3e3 (t) ,

x(t,x) = x1e1 (t)+ x2e2 (t)+ x3e3 (t) ,

and sox(t,x)× (ω (t)×x(t,x)) =

∑i|x|2 ω iei (t)−



jx jω jxiei (t)

). (2.2)

Thus, listing the components of x(t,x)× (ω (t)×x(t,x)) with respect to the materialbasis yields the following in which x(t,x)×(ω (t)×x(t,x)) is written as a column vector.


1 + x22 + x2



1ω1 + x2x1ω2 + x3x1ω3)(

x21 + x2

2 + x23)

ω2−(x2x1ω1 + x2

2ω2 + x3x2ω3)(

x21 + x2

2 + x23)

ω3−(x3x1ω1 + x3x2ω2 + x2


872 APPENDIX B. A RIGID BODY ROTATING ABOUT A POINTIn terms of the material basis, {e; (t) , e2 (t) ,e3 (t)} which is fixed with the body,ei(t) e2(t) e3(t)(w(t) x a(t,@))=] @1(t) @2(t) @3(t)xX] x2 X3where the @; are the components of w taken with respect to {e, (t) , es (t) ,e3 (t)} and aswe observed earlier, {x1 ,x2,x3} are the coordinates of the vector x (t,a) taken with respectto the {e; (t) ,e2 (t),e3(t)}. To simplify the integrand in 2.1 that long cross product issimplified.Lemma B.0.3 Let a,b,c be three dimensional vectors. Thenax (bx c) =(a-c)b—(a-b)c.Proof: Let an orthonormal right handed coordinate system {e1, e2,e3} be given. Thenax (bx c) = €ja; (bX €),e;= Ej jkEkpq@ jb pCqei= ExijEkpqajbpCqei= (51S jg — 8 jp Sig) a jbpCgei= (ajbic; — ajbjcj) e;=(a-c)b—(a-b)c. 0Now simplify the integrand using this lemma.x (t,x) xX (w(t) x w(t,x))= (w(t,2)-2(t,a2)) w(t) —(w(t,a) w(t) # (ta).Writing x (t,a) and w (ft) in terms of the material coordinates,w(t) = @ 1 e€) (t) + M2e2 (t) + @3e3 (ft),a(t,c) = xe; (t)+x2e2 (t) +363 (fF),and so»y |r|? Wie; (t) _— LV xjojxiei ) . (2.2)a (t,a)) with respect to the materialx (t,z)) is written as a column vector.Thus, listing the components of x (t,a) x (w(t)basis yields the following in which x (t,x) x (w (ft)(x7 +5 +33) @,— (x7@1 + X2X1 2 +.X3X1 3)(x7 +45 +23) @2 — (x2x1 @1 +x5@2 +.x3X203)(x7 +x5 +33) @3 — (x31 M1 +X3xX202 +2303)