and so the moment generating function for nS2/σ2 is

M (t) =(



so nS2

σ2 is X 2 (n−1). Notice how important independence was in doing this last step.Also notice that all the terms in the above were quadratic forms. This hopefully mo-

tivates the following very interesting result and shows why it is interesting. It is going tolook a lot like what was done earlier with a difference. The independence of xT Bx,xTCxwill be obtained directly from an assumption that XT BX is X 2 (r1).

Theorem 39.4.6 Let A,B,C be real symmetric n×n matrices. Let

X =(

X1 · · · Xn


where {X1, · · · ,Xn} is a independent random sample from n(0,σ2

). Let

xT Ax= xT Bx+xTCx (39.6)

and suppose XT AX is X 2 (r) ,XT BX is X 2 (r1) for r1 < r. Then the two randomvariables on the right are independent and XTCX is X 2 (r− r1).

Proof: Since 39.6 is a statement about quadratic forms for arbitrary x, it follows that

A = B+C. Now there is an orthogonal matrix U such that UT AU =

(I 00 0

)where I is

r× r for r the rank of A. This follows from Theorem 11.4.7 presented much earlier in thematerial on linear algebra and the fact that XT AX is X 2 (r) which implies, from Theorem39.4.5 the eigenvalues of A are 1 or 0. Therefore,(

I 00 0


(P P12

P21 P22


(Q Q12

Q21 Q22


where P,Q are r× r matrices and UT BU =

(P P12

P21 P22

),UTCU =

(Q Q12

Q21 Q22


Now multiply on both sides of 39.7 by

(I 00 0

). This yields

(P P12

P21 P22


(Q Q12

Q21 Q22


(I 00 0


I 00 0


(P 00 0


(Q 00 0

)Thus P12,P21,P22,Q12,Q21,Q22 are all 0 and


(I 00 0

)=UT (B+C)U =

(P 00 0


(Q 00 0


39.4. QUADRATIC FORMS 823and so the moment generating function for nS*/o7 is1 \ eedM(t) = (<5)so ny is 2? (n—1). Notice how important independence was in doing this last step.Also notice that all the terms in the above were quadratic forms. This hopefully mo-tivates the following very interesting result and shows why it is interesting. It is going tolook a lot like what was done earlier with a difference. The independence of x’ Bx, x’ Cxwill be obtained directly from an assumption that X’ BX is 2? (r}).Theorem 39.4.6 Let A,B,C be real symmetric n x n matrices. LetTX= ( Xp X )where {X,--- ,Xn} is a independent random sample from n (0, 0”). Letxe Ac =a! Br+a'Ca (39.6)and suppose X’AX is 2? (r),X™BX is 2B? (nr) for r, <r. Then the two randomvariables on the right are independent and X'CX is X* (r—r}).Proof: Since 39.6 is a statement about quadratic forms for arbitrary x, it follows thatI 0A=B-+C. Now there is an orthogonal matrix U such that U'AU = 00 where J isr x r for r the rank of A. This follows from Theorem 11.4.7 presented much earlier in thematerial on linear algebra and the fact that X7A.X is 2? (r) which implies, from Theorem39.4.5 the eigenvalues of A are | or 0. Therefore,1O0\_f P Py in Q QQ (39.7)0 0 Py, Pr Q21 QoP Pwhere P,Q are r x r matrices and U' BU = 2) uTcu = Q Qn .Py} Poo Q21 QoI ONow multiply on both sides of 39.7 by ( 0 0 ) . This yieldsP Pp 4 Q Q@2\_/(/ 0Pr, Px Q21 Qo 0 010\_(P 0), (9000/}/ \oo 0 0Thus Pi2, P21, P22, Q12, G21, Q22 are all 0 andT fi 0 aur _{ P 0 Q 0rau =( | =" wrou=(f s)e(2 *] (39.8)