


)n ∫Rn

eσ2t xT Axσ2 e−

12x·xσ2 d−→x =



)n ∫Rn


2σ2 xT (I−2σ2tA)xd−→x

Now let y ≡ UTx where U is an orthogonal matrix such that UT(I−2σ2tA

)U = D, a

diagonal matrix having all positive diagonal entries. We can get such a thing whenever |t|is small enough because then the expression I− 2σ2tA will have all positive eigenvalues.Now det(U) =±1 because it is orthogonal. Changing variables to y and using the changeof variables formula,

M (t) =



)n ∫Rn


2σ2 yT UT (I−2σ2tA)Uyd−→y




)n ∫Rn


2σ2 yT D(t)yd−→y

where D(t) is the diagonal matrix which has the positive eigenvalues λ2k (t) down the diag-

onal. Then the above expression splits into factors of the form




2σ2 y2kλ

2k dyk

So let u = λ kyk and this becomes


1λ k



2σ2 u2du =

1λ k



M (t) =n


1λ k












det(I−2σ2tA)1/2 .

Remember the determinant is the product of the eigenvalues of the matrix and I− 2σ2tAand D are similar so they have the same eigenvalues, namely the diagonal entries of D. SeeCorollary 11.4.5 to Schur’s theorem. This is stated as the following lemma.

Lemma 39.4.1 Let A be symmetric and let X1, · · · ,Xn be independent and n(0,σ2

). Then

the moment generating function of XT AX is M (t) = det(I−2σ2tA

)−1/2 for all |t| suffi-ciently small.

Now suppose you have two symmetric matrices A,B and independent n(0,σ2


variables X1, · · · ,Xn. Then there are two random variables XT AX,XT BX and we wantto determine when these two are independent. Then using similar reasoning to the above,it follows that for |s| , |t| both small enough,

M (t,s)≡ E(exp(tXT AX+ sXT BX




If AB = 0, then(I−2σ



= I−2σ2tA−2σ


= I−2σ2tA−2σ


39.4. QUADRATIC FORMS 819=( : ) [ sorte bee a = ( : ) [ oot! (I-2071A) 2 7VLNO n TO R’Now let y = Ux where U is an orthogonal matrix such that U7 ([—20°tA) U = D, adiagonal matrix having all positive diagonal entries. We can get such a thing whenever |r|is small enough because then the expression J — 207tA will have all positive eigenvalues.Now det (U) = +1 because it is orthogonal. Changing variables to y and using the changeof variables formula,M(t) = ( I ) [eer ornay2701 o\" fo -sbul ay— e 2024 dysas) [.where D(t) is the diagonal matrix which has the positive eigenvalues A? (t) down the diag-onal. Then the above expression splits into factors of the form] yd 242e@ 202° k*kae hh YkSo let u = Axy, and this becomes1 Lf —sbyw y, — 1———==—_ =— e o u= >.J2m0 Ax JR NeHence,1 1/2 17 (cao) ~ det (1—2024A)!/?"Remember the determinant is the product of the eigenvalues of the matrix and J —207tAand D are similar so they have the same eigenvalues, namely the diagonal entries of D. SeeCorollary 11.4.5 to Schur’s theorem. This is stated as the following lemma.Lemma 39.4.1 Let A be symmetric and let X1,--- ,Xn be independent and n (0, 0°). Thenthe moment generating function of X'AX is M(t) = det (I—207tA) “2 for all |t| suffi-ciently small.Now suppose you have two symmetric matrices A,B and independent n (0,07) randomvariables X;,--- ,X,. Then there are two random variables X’AX,X‘BX and we wantto determine when these two are independent. Then using similar reasoning to the above,it follows that for |s| ,|¢| both small enough,1det (I — 202A —202sB)!/?M (t,s) =E (exp(tX’AX +sX'BX)) =If AB = 0, then(1—20°tA) (I[—20°sB) = I-20°tA—20°sB+40‘tsAB= 1-20°tA—20°sB