


)an+1−kbk +








)an+1−kbk +






= an+1 +n



)an+1−kbk +





)an+1−kbk +bn+1

= an+1 +n






))an+1−kbk +bn+1

By Lemma 38.2.2 this reduces to

an+1 +n




)an+1−kbk +bn+1






which shows that when the formula holds for n it also holds for n+1. â– Another way to verify this important formula is as follows. For n a positive integer

(a+b)n must be of the form (a+b)(a+b) · · ·(a+b) and it must consist of a sum of termsof the form akbn−k. How many are there for a given k? This involves the number of waysto pick k factors in the product which contribute a and the remaining factors contributing

b. Thus the coefficient of this term is


). As to the case where k = 0, this means

all factors contribute b and so there is only one way to obtain this term akbn−k and this is(n0

). Thus the above product of terms reduces to





Example 38.3.2 Find the coefficient which multiplies x3y6 in (x+ y)9 .

By the binomial theorem, this is(93



= 84

Thus (x+ y)9 is the sum of terms ckxkyn−k and the ck which corresponds to k = 3 is 84.

Example 38.3.3 Find the constant coefficient of(2x+3x−3


You have that this is the sum of constants times x8−k(x−3)k and so you need to have

8− k−3k = 0 so k = 2. It follows that this term is of the form(82

)(2x)6 (3x−3)2


2!6!2632 = 16128

38.3. THE BINOMIAL THEOREM 773MY tte YL \ kp etta be + y a’ “bo\ k imo \ &_ y n ath tye n qt lk pkimo \ & iar \ kon ey n qitlokpk 4 prtlk k—1k=1_ ntl . n n ntl—kpk . pnt=a + + a b* +bfo k k-1By Lemma 38.2.2 this reduces togttha y. ( i I gitlmkpk ay ptk=l_ x ( ms jennk=0which shows that when the formula holds for n it also holds forn+1.™Another way to verify this important formula is as follows. For n a positive integer(a+b)" must be of the form (a+b) (a+b) ---(a+b) and it must consist of a sum of termsof the form a“b”~*. How many are there for a given k? This involves the number of waysto pick k factors in the product which contribute a and the remaining factors contributingb. Thus the coefficient of this term is ( k ) As to the case where k = 0, this meansall factors contribute b and so there is only one way to obtain this term a*b"~* and this is( j ) . Thus the above product of terms reduces toy ( n arseimo \Example 38.3.2 Find the coefficient which multiplies x*y® in (x+ y)? .By the binomial theorem, this is9 9!(3 )- saoThus (x+ y) is the sum of terms cyx*y"~* and the cy, which corresponds to k = 3 is 84.Example 38.3.3. Find the constant coefficient of (2x + 3x3) .You have that this is the sum of constants times x°~* (x-3)* and so you need to have8—k—3k=0sok =2. It follows that this term is of the form8 6 (2,-3)2 __ 8! 4642 _(; Jen (3x °) = 5612 3 = 16128