so the limit of these integrals exists. Also e−ttα−1 ≤Ce−(t/2) for suitable C if t > 1. Thisis obvious if α − 1 < 0 and in the other case it is also clear because exponential growthexceeds polynomial growth. Thus∫ R

1e−ttα−1dt ≤

∫ R

1Ce−(t/2)dt ≤ 2Ce(−1/2)−2Ce(−R/2) ≤ 2Ce(−1/2)

Thus these integrals also converge as R→ ∞. It follows that Γ(α) makes sense. ■This gamma function has some fundamental properties described in the following propo-

sition. In case the improper integral exists, we can obviously compute it in the form


∫ 1/δ


f (t)dt

which is used in what follows. Thus also the usual algebraic properties of the Riemannintegral are inherited by the improper integral.

Proposition 4.1.3 For n a positive integer, n!=Γ(n+1). In general, Γ(1)= 1,Γ(α +1)=αΓ(α)

Proof: First of all, Γ(1) = limδ→0∫


δe−tdt = limδ→0

(e−δ − e−(δ

−1))= 1. Next,

for α > 0,

Γ(α +1) = limδ→0



e−ttα dt = limδ→0

[−e−ttα |δ







= limδ→0


δα − e−(δ

−1)δ−α +α




)= αΓ(α)

Now it is defined that 0! = 1 and so Γ(1) = 0!. Suppose that Γ(n+1) = n!, what ofΓ(n+2)? Is it (n+1)!? if so, then by induction, the proposition is established. Fromwhat was just shown,

Γ(n+2) = Γ(n+1)(n+1) = n!(n+1) = (n+1)!

and so this proves the proposition. ■The properties of the gamma function also allow for a fairly easy proof about differen-

tiating under the integral in a Laplace transform. First is a definition.

Definition 4.1.4 A function φ has exponential growth on [0,∞) if there are positive con-stants λ ,C such that |φ (t)| ≤Ceλ t for all t.

Theorem 4.1.5 Let f (s) =∫

0 e−stφ (t)dt where t → φ (t)e−st is improper Riemann in-tegrable for all s large enough and φ has exponential growth. Then for s large enough,f (k) (s) exists and equals


0 (−t)k e−stφ (t)dt.

Proof: Suppose true for some k ≥ 0. By definition it is so for k = 0. Then alwaysassuming s > λ , |h|< s−λ , where |φ (t)| ≤Ceλ t ,λ ≥ 0,

f (k) (s+h)− f (k) (s)h


0(−t)k e−(s+h)t − e−st

hφ (t)dt

46 CHAPTER 4. SOME IMPORTANT IMPROPER INTEGRALSso the limit of these integrals exists. Also e~'t®—! < Ce~“/2) for suitable C if t > 1. Thisis obvious if @ — 1 < 0 and in the other case it is also clear because exponential growthexceeds polynomial growth. Thusii ett dt < i Ce~ "Dat < 2Ce-"/) — 2€e#/?) < 2Ce(-!/2)1 1Thus these integrals also converge as R — ©. It follows that [(@) makes sense.This gamma function has some fundamental properties described in the following propo-sition. In case the improper integral exists, we can obviously compute it in the form1/5lim t)dt60+ J5 F( )which is used in what follows. Thus also the usual algebraic properties of the Riemannintegral are inherited by the improper integral.Proposition 4.1.3 For na positive integer, n! =T (n+ 1). In general, T(1) =1,0(a+1)=al (a)1 _Proof: First of all, (1) =lims49 [2 e~tdt = lims_49 (e* —e (6 )) = 1. Next,for a > 0,67_ 5!T(a+1)= lim e't%dt = lim en +a | outa6-0/5 5-0 5- 5!= lim [ee —e O's 1 | eur = al (a)60 5Now it is defined that 0! = 1 and so (1) = 0!. Suppose that (n+ 1) = n!, what ofT'(n+2)? Is it (n+1)!? if so, then by induction, the proposition is established. Fromwhat was just shown,T(n+2) =[(n+1) (n+1) =a! (n+1) =(n+1)!and so this proves the proposition. MlThe properties of the gamma function also allow for a fairly easy proof about differen-tiating under the integral in a Laplace transform. First is a definition.Definition 4.1.4 A function @ has exponential growth on |0,°°) if there are positive con-stants 2,C such that |@ (t)| <Ce* for all t.Theorem 4.1.5 Let f(s) = fy e~"@ (t)dt where t + (t)e~” is improper Riemann in-tegrable for all s large enough and has exponential growth. Then for s large enough,f (s) exists and equals J5° (—t)‘e~™ @ (t) dt.Proof: Suppose true for some k > 0. By definition it is so for k = 0. Then alwaysassuming s > A, |h| <s—A, where |@ (t)| < Ce*",A > 0,g (t)dtFO (sth) — f(s) pe pent es, 7 [ (-1)§ ———<—