poles, 413Polish space, 46polynomial, 280
degree, addition, multiply, equal,leading term, monic, division,divides, greatest commondivisor, 20
divides, 21greatest common divisor, 21greatest common divisor,
uniqueness, 21irreducible, 21irreducible factorization, 22relatively prime, 21
polynomialscanceling, 23factoring, 14factorization, 23
positive linear functional, 190positive part, 169precompact, 240primitive, 355principal part
Laurent series, 387product measure, 177product space
norm, 308projection in Hilbert space, 311
Radon measure, 192Radon Nikodym
theorem, 184Radon Nikodym derivative, 184Radon Nikodym theorem
Von Neumann, 323random variable
distribution measure, 148, 196real and imaginary parts, 169real part, 348reflexive Banach Space, 320region, 262regularity
inner and outer, 156removable singularity, 393residue, 394resolvent, 429resolvent identity, 430resolvent set, 429, 450
retract, 208fixed point property, 208
Riemann sphere, 374Riesz map, 313Riesz representation theorem
C (X), 340L1, finite measures, 332Lp, σ finite case, 333Lp, finite measures, 330Hilbert space, 312positive linear functionals, 192
ring, 380root test, 34Rouche’s theorem, 377, 415
Sard’s lemma, 250Schroder Bernstein theorem, 6Schwartz class, 293Schwarz lemma, 379, 419second mean value theorem, 136sectorial, 442semigroup, 448
analytic, 448separable metric space
Lindeloff property, 46separated, 72separation theorem, 322sequence
Cauchy, 303subsequence, 41
sequentially compact, 47set notation, 3sigma algebra, 141sigma finite, 176signed measure, 182
Hahn decomposition, 182signed measures
Hahn decomposition, 182simple closed curve
definition, 130orientation, 131
simple curve, 74, 115, 130simple functions, 144simply connected, 374smooth functions
dense, 257Sobolev Space, 298
embedding theorem, 298