inner product space, 304inner regular, 189integral
decreasing function, 159functions in L1, 165linear, 166
integral domain, 371integral over a measurable set, 171interchange order of integration, 132interior point, 38intermediate value theorem, 71intersection, 3intersection of two curves, 208intervals
notation, 3invariance of domain, 206invariant subspace, 427inverse Fourier transform, 268inverse function theorem, 104, 106inverse image, 5, 50inversions, 406irreducible, 22
relatively prime, 22isolated singularity, 384
Jacobiperiodic functions, 416
James map, 313Jensens inequality, 235Jordan arc, 72Jordan curve
finite length, 441Green’s theorem, 445orientation, 445
Jordan curve theorem, 209
Lagrange multipliers, 109Laplace transform, 263, 266
inverse well defined, 268inversion, 273, 394properties, 266
Laurentseries, 377
Laurent series, 377, 378principal part, 378
least squares regression, 108Lebesgue
integral desires to be linear, 164
integral of nonnegative function,160
integral simple function, 161measurable a.e. equal to Borel
measurable, 193measure, 151number, 45other definitions of integral, 163points, 231
Lebesgue decomposition, 180level curves
intersecting at right angles, 370lim inf, 30
properties, 31lim sup, 30
properties, 31limit of a function, 52limit of a sequence
well defined, 37limit point, 38limits
existence of limits, 30Lindeloff property, 44line integrals
fundamental theorem, 126linear
not continuous, 297linear maps
closed, 302continuous, 68equivalent conditions, 68
linear operators, 64linear transformation
norm, 64linear transformations, 64Liouville’s theorem, 366Lipschitz mappings of sets of measure
zero, 212little o notation, 92locally integrable, 278locally one to one, 371logarithm
analytic, 344branch, 344branches, 344principal branch, 344
Lusin, 216Lyapunov Schmidt procedure, 111