1.4.1 The Hamel Basis

A Hamel basis is nothing more than the correct generalization of the notion of a basis for afinite dimensional vector space to vector spaces which are possibly not of finite dimension.

Definition 1.4.5 Let X be a vector space. A Hamel basis is a subset of X ,Λ suchthat every vector of X can be written as a finite linear combination of vectors of Λ and thevectors of Λ are linearly independent in the sense that if {x1, · · · ,xn} ⊆ Λ and ∑

nk=1 ckxk =

0. Then each ck = 0.

The main result is the following theorem.

Theorem 1.4.6 Let X be a nonzero vector space. Then it has a Hamel basis.

Proof: Let x1 ∈ X and x1 ̸= 0. Let F denote the collection of subsets of X , Λ containingx1 with the property that the vectors of Λ are linearly independent as described in Definition1.4.5 partially ordered by set inclusion. By the Hausdorff maximal theorem, there existsa maximal chain, C Let Λ = ∪C . Since C is a chain, it follows that if {x1, · · · ,xn} ⊆ Cthen there exists a single Λ′ ∈ C containing all these vectors. Therefore, if ∑

nk=1 ckxk = 0 it

follows each ck = 0. Thus the vectors of Λ are linearly independent. Is every vector of X afinite linear combination of vectors of Λ?

Suppose not. Then there exists z which is not equal to a finite linear combination ofvectors of Λ. Consider Λ∪{z} . If cz+∑

mk=1 ckxk = 0 where the xk are vectors of Λ, then

if c ̸= 0 this contradicts the condition that z is not a finite linear combination of vectorsof Λ. Therefore, c = 0 and now all the ck must equal zero because it was just shown Λ islinearly independent. It follows C∪{Λ∪{z}} is a strictly larger chain than C and this is acontradiction. Therefore, Λ is a Hamel basis as claimed. ■

1.5 Real and Complex NumbersI am assuming the reader is familiar with the field of complex numbers which can beconsidered as points in the plane, the complex number x+ iy being the point obtained bygraphing the ordered pair (x,y) . I assume the reader knows about the complex conjugatex+ iy ≡ x− iy and all its properties such as, for z,w ∈ C, (z+w) = z̄+ w̄ and zw = z̄ w̄.Also recall that for z ∈C, |z| ≡

√x2 + y2 where z = x+ iy and that the triangle inequalities

hold: |z+w| ≤ |z|+ |w| and |z−w| ≥ ||z|− |w|| and |z|= (z z̄)1/2. This is the time to reviewthese things. If you have not seen them, read my single variable advanced calculus book orthe first part of my calculus book. Any good pre-calculus book has these topics.

Also recall that complex numbers, are often written in the so called polar form whichis described next. Suppose z = x+ iy is a complex number. Then

x+ iy =√

x2 + y2


x2 + y2+ i

y√x2 + y2


Now note that (x√

x2 + y2




x2 + y2


= 1

12 CHAPTER 1. BASIC NOTIONS1.4.1 The Hamel BasisA Hamel basis is nothing more than the correct generalization of the notion of a basis for afinite dimensional vector space to vector spaces which are possibly not of finite dimension.Definition 1.4.5 Ler xX be a vector space. A Hamel basis is a subset of X,A suchthat every vector of X can be written as a finite linear combination of vectors of A and thevectors of A are linearly independent in the sense that if {x1 ,--- ,Xn} C A and Yh_, cx =0. Then each cy, = 0.The main result is the following theorem.Theorem 1.4.6 Let X be a nonzero vector space. Then it has a Hamel basis.Proof: Let x; € X and x; £0. Let ¥ denote the collection of subsets of X, A containingx; with the property that the vectors of A are linearly independent as described in Definition1.4.5 partially ordered by set inclusion. By the Hausdorff maximal theorem, there existsa maximal chain, @ Let A= U@. Since @ is a chain, it follows that if {x1,--- ,x,} C@then there exists a single A’ € C containing all these vectors. Therefore, if Y7_) cxxz = 0 itfollows each cz, = 0. Thus the vectors of A are linearly independent. Is every vector of X afinite linear combination of vectors of A?Suppose not. Then there exists z which is not equal to a finite linear combination ofvectors of A. Consider AU {z}. If ez + YL) cex~ = 0 where the x, are vectors of A, thenif c £0 this contradicts the condition that z is not a finite linear combination of vectorsof A. Therefore, c = 0 and now all the cg, must equal zero because it was just shown A islinearly independent. It follows @U{AU {z}} is a strictly larger chain than @ and this is acontradiction. Therefore, A is a Hamel basis as claimed.1.5 Real and Complex NumbersI am assuming the reader is familiar with the field of complex numbers which can beconsidered as points in the plane, the complex number x + iy being the point obtained bygraphing the ordered pair (x,y). I assume the reader knows about the complex conjugatex+iy = x— iy and all its properties such as, for z,w € C, (z+w) = Z+W and ZW = Zw.Also recall that for z € C, |z| = \/x2 +? where z =x + iy and that the triangle inequalitieshold: |z-+w| < |z|-+|w| and |z—w] > ||z| — |w]| and |z| = (zz)!””. This is the time to reviewthese things. If you have not seen them, read my single variable advanced calculus book orthe first part of my calculus book. Any good pre-calculus book has these topics.Also recall that complex numbers, are often written in the so called polar form whichis described next. Suppose z = x +iy is a complex number. ThenXxviv VT + » )Very VeryNow note that(sie) + (Ga) -