Lemma 33.6.1 Let U and V be bounded open sets in Rp and let h,h−1 be C1 definedrespectively on Û ⊇ Ū and V̂ ⊇ V̄ such that h(U) = V and let f be a bounded uniformlycontinuous function defined on U. Then∫

Vf (y)dmp =


f (h(x)) |det(Dh(x))|dmp

Proof: Let x ∈U. By the assumption that h and h−1 are C1,

h(x+v)−h(x) = Dh(x)v+o(v)

= Dh(x)(v+Dh−1 (h(x))o(v)

)Let an upper bound for

∥∥Dh−1 (h(x))∥∥ be C. It exists because V is compact and h−1 is

C1 on an open set containing this compact set. Therefore, since all the boxes in Bm are indiameter less than δ ,

h(B(x,r))−h(x) =

h(x+B(0,r))−h(x)⊆ Dh(x)(B(0,(1+Cε)r)) . (33.8)

Then choose m still larger if necessary so that f (y) is uniformly approximated by


f (h(x(mi)))Xh(Rmi )

(y) , x(mi) ∈ Rmi ,

to within ε. Let rmi be half the diameter of Rm

i . Thus ∑i mp (B(0,rmi )) = mp (U). This is

by the formula for the measure of a box. It is just the product of the lengths of the sides.Recall the norm is ∥·∥

∞so the balls are boxes.

mp (Rmi ) = mp (B(x(mi) ,rm

i )) = mp (B(0,rmi ))

Then ∫V f (y)dmp = ∑


i )f (y)dmp

≤ εmp (V )+∑∞i=1∫h(Rm

i )f (h(x(mi)))dmp

≤ εmp (V )+∑∞i=1 f (h(x(mi)))mp (h(Rm

i ))

≤ εmp (V )+∑∞i=1 f (h(x(mi)))mp (Dh(x(mi))(B(0,(1+Cε)ri)))

= εmp (V )+(1+Cε)p∑



f (h(x(mi))) |det(Dh(x(mi)))|dmp

≤ εmp (V )+(1+Cε)p∑



if (h(x)) |det(Dh(x))|dmp +2εmp (Rm

i ))

≤ εmp (V )+(1+Cε)p∑



f (h(x)) |det(Dh(x))|dmp

+(1+Cε)p 2εmp (U)

Since ε > 0 is arbitrary, this shows∫V

f (y)dmp ≤∫

Uf (h(x)) |det(Dh(x))|dmp (33.9)

whenever f is uniformly continuous and bounded on V. Now

x→ f (h(x)) |det(Dh(x))|

664 CHAPTER 33. THE LEBESGUE MEASURE AND INTEGRAL IN R?Lemma 33.6.1 Let U and V be bounded open sets in R? and let h,h~! be C! definedrespectively on U DU and V DV such that h(U) = V and let f be a bounded uniformlycontinuous function defined on U. Then[tw )dmp = | F(h(a )) |det (Dh (x))|dm,Proof: Let x € U. By the assumption that h and h~! are C!,h(xa+v)—h(a) = Dh(«)v+o(v)Dh(a) (v + Dh"! (h(a)) o(v))Let an upper bound for ||Dh-! (h (a))]| be C. It exists because V is compact and h™! isC! on an open set containing this compact set. Therefore, since all the boxes in Bp, are indiameter less than 6,h(B(x,r))—h(a) =h(a#+B(0,r)) —h(a) C Dh (a) (B(0,(1+Ce)r)). (33.8)Then choose m still larger if necessary so that f (y) is uniformly approximated byYF (h(a (mi))) Hyg ny (y) > (mi) RP,to within €. Let 7” be half the diameter of R/". Thus )°;m, (B(0,1")) = mp, (U). This isby the formula for the measure of a box. It is just the product of the lengths of the sides.Recall the norm is ||-||,, so the balls are boxes.mp (RY") = mp (B (a (mi) ,r!")) = mp (B(0,r4"))ThenSy Fy) dip = YP In (em) f(y) amp< emp (V) FEE Inn) f (Pe (w(mni))) dep< emp (V) + EF F (Pe (w(mi))) mp (h(RP))< emp (V) +E f (haw (mi))) mp (Dh (w (mi)) (B (0, (1 +C8) 7)= emp (V)+(1+Ce)? E21 If (Fe (w (mi))) [det (Dh (ae (mi))) | dnp< emp (V) + (14+Ce)? D4 (Jap f (Pe (w)) [det (Dh (ax)) | diy + 2emp (R"))< emp (V) + (1+Ce)? Yi Sam f (h(a) |det (Dh (a))| dmp+(1+Ce)? 2em, (U)Since € > 0 is arbitrary, this shows[fo )dmy < [ f (h(a) \det (Dh(x))|dm, (33.9)whenever f is uniformly continuous and bounded on V. Nowa — f(h(a)) |det (Dh (a))|