(x1 · · · xr · · · xs · · · xp



x1 · · · xr · · · xs + xr · · · xp)T

where these are the actions obtained by multiplication by elementary matrices. Denotethese special linear transformations by E (r ↔ s) ,E (cr) ,E (s → s+ r) .

Let R = ∏pi=1 (ai,bi) . Then it is easily seen that

mp (E (r ↔ s)(R)) = mp (R) = |det(E (r ↔ s))|mp (R)

mp (E (cr)(R)) = |c|mp (R) = |det(E (cr))|mp (R)

The other linear transformation which represents a sheer is a little harder. However,

mp (E (s → s+ r)(R)) =∫


=∫R· · ·∫R



XE(s→s+r)(R)dxsdxrdxp1 · · ·dxpp−2

Now recall Theorem 33.3.2 which says you can integrate using the usual Riemannintegral when the function involved is continuous. Thus the above becomes∫ bpp−2


· · ·∫ bp1


∫ br


∫ bs+xr


dxsdxrdxp1 · · ·dxpp−2

= mp (R) = |det(E (s → s+ r))|mp (R)

Recall that when a row (column) is added to another row (column), the determinant of theresulting matrix is unchanged.

Lemma 33.5.3 Let L be any of the above elementary linear transformations. Then

mp (L(F)) = |det(L)|mp (F)

for any Borel set F. Also L(F) is Borel if F is Borel.

Proof: Let Rk = ∏pi=1 (−k,k) . Let G be those Borel sets F such that

mp (L(F ∩Rk)) = |det(L)|mp (F ∩Rk) (33.5)

Letting K be the open boxes, it follows from the above discussion that the pi system Kis in G . It is also obvious that if Fi ∈ G the Fi being disjoint, then

mp (L(∪∞i=1Fi ∩Rk)) =


mp (L(Fi ∩Rk)) = |det(L)|∞


mp (Fi ∩Rk)

= |det(L)|mp (∪∞i=1Fi ∩Rk)

Thus G is closed with respect to countable disjoint unions. If F ∈ G then

mp(L(FC ∩Rk

))+mp (L(F ∩Rk)) = mp (L(Rk))

mp(L(FC ∩Rk

))+ |det(L)|mp (F ∩Rk) = |det(L)|mp (Rk)

mp(L(FC ∩Rk

))= |det(L)|mp (Rk)−|det(L)|mp (F ∩Rk)

= |det(L)|mp(FC ∩Rk

)It follows that G is closed with respect to complements also. Therefore, G = σ (K ) =B (Rp). Now let k → ∞ in 33.5 to obtain the desired conclusion.

662 CHAPTER 33. THE LEBESGUE MEASURE AND INTEGRAL IN R?(Sse ee> (x4 wae Xr wae Xs +Xy- eae Xp ytwhere these are the actions obtained by multiplication by elementary matrices. Denotethese special linear transformations by E (r 4 s),E(cr),E(s—>s-+r).Let R = []_, (ai,b;) . Then it is easily seen thatMp (E (r <+ 8) (R)) = mp (R) = [det (E (r + 8))| mp (R)Mp (E (cr) (R)) = |e mp (R) = |det (E (cr))| mp (R)The other linear transformation which represents a sheer is a little harder. However,mp(E(s+s+r)(R)= fo dnp=[- LL [ 2 (ssstr)(R)AXsdXrdXp,-++AXp, 5Now recall Theorem 33.3.2 which says you can integrate using the usual Riemannintegral when the function involved is continuous. Thus the above becomesbpy_o netee dxsdX;dXp,° axp, >a ap, ar As+XpPp—2= mp (R) = |det (E (s+ s+ 1))|mp (R)Recall that when a row (column) is added to another row (column), the determinant of theresulting matrix is unchanged.Lemma 33.5.3 Let L be any of the above elementary linear transformations. Thenmp (L(F)) = |det(L)] mp (F)for any Borel set F. Also L(F) is Borel if F is Borel.Proof: Let Rx = [T_, (—k,k). Let Y be those Borel sets F such thatMy (L(F ORx)) = |det (L)| mp (F ORe) (33.5)Letting .% be the open boxes, it follows from the above discussion that the pi system “is in Y. It is also obvious that if F; € Y the F; being disjoint, thenmp (L(UZyRNR)) = Lemp (FiO Rg)) = [det (L)| 2 mp (FRx)i=l= lat ) mp (U1 FOR«)Thus Y is closed with respect to countable disjoint unions. If F € Y thenmy (L(F©ORx)) +p (L(F Rg) = mp (L(Re))my (L (FO ARx)) + |det (L)| mp (F A Rx) = |det (L)| mp (Rx)my (L(F©ORx)) |det (L)| mp (Rx) — |det (L)| mp (F OR)= |det(L)| mp (FOR)It follows that Y is closed with respect to complements also. Therefore, Y = 0 (.%) =#(R?’). Now let k — © in 33.5 to obtain the desired conclusion. §J