32.10 Integrals of Real Valued FunctionsAs long as you are allowing functions to take the value +∞, you cannot consider somethinglike f +(−g) and so you can’t very well expect a satisfactory statement about the integralbeing linear until you restrict yourself to functions which have values in a vector space. Tobe linear, a function must be defined on a vector space. The integral of real valued functionsis next.

Definition 32.10.1 Let (Ω,F ,µ) be a measure space and let f : Ω → R be mea-surable. Then it is said to be in L1 (Ω,µ) when∫

| f (ω)|dµ < ∞

Lemma 32.10.2 If g−h = ĝ− ĥ where g, ĝ,h, ĥ are measurable and nonnegative, withall integrals finite, then ∫

gdµ −∫

hdµ =∫

ĝdµ −∫


Proof: From Theorem 32.9.1,∫ĝdµ +

∫hdµ =

∫(ĝ+h)dµ =

∫ (g+ ĥ

)dµ =

∫gdµ +


and so, ∫ĝdµ −

∫ĥdµ =

∫gdµ −


Definition 32.10.3 Let f ∈ L1 (Ω,µ). Define∫

f dµ ≡∫

f+dµ −∫


Proposition 32.10.4 The definition of∫

f dµ is well defined and if a,b are real num-bers ∫

(a f +bg)dµ = a∫

f dµ +b∫


Proof: First of all, it is well defined because f+, f− are both no larger than | f |. There-fore,


∫f−dµ are both real numbers. Next, why is the integral linear. First consider

the sum. ∫( f +g)dµ ≡

∫( f +g)+ dµ −

∫( f +g)− dµ

Now ( f +g)+− ( f +g)− = f +g = f+− f−+g+−g−. By Lemma 32.10.2 and Theorem32.9.1 ∫

( f +g)dµ ≡∫

( f +g)+ dµ −∫

( f +g)− dµ


( f++g+)dµ −∫

( f−+g−)dµ


f+dµ −∫

f−dµ +∫

g+dµ −∫



f dµ +∫


648 CHAPTER 32. MEASURES AND INTEGRALS32.10 Integrals of Real Valued FunctionsAs long as you are allowing functions to take the value +-co, you cannot consider somethinglike f + (—g) and so you can’t very well expect a satisfactory statement about the integralbeing linear until you restrict yourself to functions which have values in a vector space. Tobe linear, a function must be defined on a vector space. The integral of real valued functionsis next.Definition 32.10.1 Le (Q,.F,U) be a measure space and let f : Q — R be mea-surable. Then it is said to be in L! (Q,) when[fl@ldu<eQLemma 32.10.2 If g—h=¢ —h where 8,8, h,h are measurable and nonnegative, withall integrals finite, then[isdn [rdw =| eau | fdQ Q Q QProof: From Theorem 32.9.1,[edur [rau=[(e+ndu=[(¢+i)au= [ gau+ [hd[edu fidu= [eau [rau aDefinition 32.10.3 Let f € L!(Q,u). Define f fdu = f f.du—f f-dp.and so,Proposition 32.10.4 The definition of { fd is well defined and if a,b are real num-bers[lafrbe)duaf fay +b f gayProof: First of all, it is well defined because f,, f_ are both no larger than | f|. There-fore, f f+du, { f-dp are both real numbers. Next, why is the integral linear. First considerthe sum.[if+syaus [(t+s),au— | (f+e)auNow (f +g), —(f+g)_ =ftg=f+—f- +81 —g_. By Lemma 32.10.2 and Theorem32.9.1[trsdu = [t+s)au- ff +s)an[titevan—[(f+8 du[tedu-[ t-du+ [esau [eauJ faut | eau