13. Solve |3x+1| < 8. Give your answerin terms of intervals on the real line.

14. Sketch on the number line the solu-tion to the inequality |x−3|> 2.

15. Sketch on the number line the solu-tion to the inequality |x−3|< 2.

16. Show |x|=√


17. Solve |x+2|< |3x−3| .

18. Tell when equality holds in the trian-gle inequality.

19. Solve |x+2| ≤ 8+ |2x−4| .

20. Solve (x+1)(2x−2)x ≥ 0.

21. Solve x+32x+1 > 1.

22. Solve x+23x+1 > 2.

23. Describe the set of numbers, a suchthat there is no solution to |x+1| =4−|x+a| .

24. Suppose 0 < a < b. Show a−1 > b−1.

25. Show that if |x−6|< 1, then |x|< 7.

26. Suppose |x−8| < 2. How large can|x−5| be?

27. Obtain a number, δ > 0, such that if|x−1|< δ , then

∣∣x2 −1∣∣< 1/10.

28. Obtain a number, δ > 0, such that if|x−4|< δ , then |

√x−2|< 1/10.

29. Suppose ε > 0 is a given positivenumber. Obtain a number, δ >0, such that if |x−1| < δ , then|√

x−1| < ε . Hint: This δ will de-pend in some way on ε. You need totell how.

1.6 The Binomial TheoremConsider the following problem: You have the integers Sn = {1,2, · · · ,n} and k is an integerno larger than n. How many ways are there to fill k slots with these integers starting fromleft to right if whenever an integer from Sn has been used, it cannot be re used in anysucceeding slot?

k of these slots︷ ︸︸ ︷, , , , · · · ,

This number is known as permutations of n things taken k at a time and is denoted byP(n,k). It is easy to figure it out. There are n choices for the first slot. For each choicefor the fist slot, there remain n− 1 choices for the second slot. Thus there are n(n−1)ways to fill the first two slots. Now there remain n−2 ways to fill the third. Thus there aren(n−1)(n−2) ways to fill the first three slots. Continuing this way, you see there are

P(n,k) = n(n−1)(n−2) · · ·(n− k+1)

ways to do this. Note there are k factors in the above product.Now define for k a positive integer,

k! ≡ k (k−1)(k−2) · · ·1, 0! ≡ 1.

This is called k factorial. Thus P(k,k) = k! and you should verify that

P(n,k) =n!

(n− k)!