33.6. THE CASE OF f ∈ L2 (Ω× [0,T ] ;L2 (U,H)) 905

It is not necessary to have f be uniformly bounded. Instead, one can consider f ∈L2 (Ω× [0,T ] ;L2 (U,H)) where f is progressively measurable. I considered the casewhere f is continuous in t above because it is a convenient way to tie this in to the or-dinary theory of Stieltjes integrals and to point out that these standard objects do delivermartingales in some reasonable cases.

As before, I will first consider the case where M is a bounded martingale and then ex-tend to the case where M is a local martingale. As before, it is all based on the fundamentalinequality




t∈[0,T ]

∥∥∥∥∫ t

0f dM

∥∥∥∥2)≤ E

(∥∥∥∥∫ T

0f dM


∫ T

0∥ f∥2

L2dtdP (33.31)

which was shown to hold for all adapted f continuous in t and also bounded, which impliesthe integral on the right is finite.

Let f ∈ L2 (Ω× [0,T ] ;L2 (U,H)) be adapted and let f (t,ω) be extended as 0 for t off[0,T ].

Definition 33.6.1 Let fn (t)≡ n∫ t

t−1/n f (s)ds.

Lemma 33.6.2 fn is adapted and t→ fn (t) is continuous for a.e. ω .

Proof: First consider the claim about continuity. For each ω off a set of measure zero,f ∈ L2 ([0,T ] ;L2) and so, for such ω

∥ fn (t)− fn (t̂)∥2L2


∥∥∥∥n∫ t

t−1/nf (s)ds−n

∫ t̂

t̂−1/nf (s)ds



= n∥∥∥∥∫ t̂−1/n

t−1/nf (s)ds+

∫ t̂

tf (s)ds



≤ 2n

(∥∥∥∥∫ t̂−1/n

t−1/nf (s)ds



∥∥∥∥∫ t̂

tf (s)ds

∥∥∥∥2)≤ 8n(t− t̂)∥ f∥2

L2([0,T ];L2)

It follows that ω → n∫ t

t−1/n f (s)ds is Ft measurable because X[0,t] f is Ft ×B ([0,T ])measurable by assumption that f is progressively measurable. ■

Observe that

∥ fn− f∥L2(Ω×[0,T ];L2(U,H)) ≡(∫ T



∥ fn− f∥2L2




∫ T


∥∥∥∥n∫ 0

−1/n( f (t + s)− f (t))ds





From Minkowski’s inequality,

≤ n∫ 0



∫ T

0∥ f (t + s)− f (t)∥2 dtdP


ds (33.32)


∥ fn− f∥2L2(Ω×[0,T ];L2(U,H)) ≤


n∫ 0


∫ T

0∥ f (t + s)− f (t)∥2 dtdsdP

33.6. THE CASE OF f € L? (Q x [0,T];-A (U,H)) 905It is not necessary to have f be uniformly bounded. Instead, one can consider f €L? (Qx [0,7]; (U,H)) where f is progressively measurable. I considered the casewhere f is continuous in f above because it is a convenient way to tie this in to the or-dinary theory of Stieltjes integrals and to point out that these standard objects do delivermartingales in some reasonable cases.As before, I will first consider the case where M is a bounded martingale and then ex-tend to the case where M is a local martingale. As before, it is all based on the fundamentalinequality1 t 2 T 2 T 5*e( sup [ fam <E \/ fdM </[ | lf\lZ,4dP (33.31)2 \rejo,7)||40 0 aJowhich was shown to hold for all adapted f continuous in ft and also bounded, which impliesthe integral on the right is finite.Let f € L? (Q x [0,7]; (U,H)) be adapted and let f (t,@) be extended as 0 for ¢ off(0, 7].Definition 33.6.1 Ler f, (0) =n (1), (s)ds.Lemma 33.6.2 f,, is adapted and t — fy, (t) is continuous for a.e. @.Proof: First consider the claim about continuity. For each @ off a set of measure zero,f €L? ((0,T];-A) and so, for such @t ? 2mh, = Inf sean fo fodas| ap#-1/n é 2=n [. f(s)as+ | F(s)ds dP#-1/n 7 2 .st( i P(s)ds iu i F(s)ds ) < 8u(0—A) Iflliao.r}.zaIt follows that @ + nf inf (s)ds is F, measurable because Zig, f is F; x A([0,T])measurable by assumption that f is progressively measurable.Observe thatr 1/2In -Sllpeaxor:aum) = (/ [jm s12,aPar)(a> 1/2dtdPLynf (Fe+8)-F(0)ds—1/nFrom Minkowski’s inequality,0 T ; 1/2<nf Cal If(e+s)-f Ol araP ds (33.32)0 TIn Slizaxonaum < [rf ,,,f, Wer ~£OlP arasarso