Proof: It is clear the definition is well defined because if { fn} and {gn} are twosequences of elementary functions converging to f in L2

(Ω;L2 ([0,T ] ,ν)

)and if

∫ 1t0 f dM

is the integral which comes from {gn} ,∫Ω

∥∥∥∥∫ 1t

0f dM−

∫ t

0f dM



= limn→∞


∥∥∥∥∫ t


∫ t




≤ limn→∞


∫ T

0∥gn− fn∥2 dνdP = 0.

Consider the claim the integral has a continuous version. Recall Theorem 31.4.3, partof which is listed here for convenience.

Theorem 33.0.6 Let {X (t)} be a right continuous nonnegative submartingale ad-apted to the normal filtration Ft for t ∈ [0,T ]. Let p≥ 1. Define

X∗ (t)≡ sup{X (s) : 0 < s < t} , X∗ (0)≡ 0.

Then for λ > 0

P([X∗ (T )> λ ])≤ 1λ



X (T )p dP (33.13)

Let { fn} be a sequence of elementary functions converging to f in

L2 (Ω;L2 ([0,T ] ,ν (·))


Then letting

Xτ ln,m (t) =

∥∥∥∥∫ t

0( fn− fm)dMτ l


Xn,m (t) =∥∥∥∥∫ t

0( fn− fm)dM


∥∥∥∥∫ t


∫ t



It follows Xτ ln,m is a continuous nonnegative submartingale and from Theorem 31.4.3 just



Xτ l∗n,m (T )> λ

])≤ 1



Xτ ln,m (T )2 dP

≤ 1



∫ T

0| fn− fm|2 d [Mτ l ]dP

≤ 1



∫ T

0| fn− fm|2 d [M]dP

Letting l→ ∞,


X∗n,m (T )> λ])≤ 1



∫ T

0| fn− fm|2 d [M]dP

Therefore, there exists a subsequence, still denoted by { fn} such that


X∗n,n+1 (T )> 2−n])< 2−n

889Proof: It is clear the definition is well defined because if {f,} and {g,} are twosequences of elementary functions converging to f in L? (Q;L? ({0,7],v)) and if {y’ fdMis the integral which comes from {gy},It 2| dPQt 2= jim am— [fy dPnro Jo 0r 2< tim | | ll@n — fall2dvaP =.ne Jo JoConsider the claim the integral has a continuous version. Recall Theorem 31.4.3, partof which is listed here for convenience.Theorem 33.0.6 Let {x (t)} be a right continuous nonnegative submartingale ad-apted to the normal filtration F, for t € (0,T]. Let p > 1. DefineX* (t) = sup {X (s) :0<s<t}, X*(0) =0.Then for A >0P([X*(T) < ap [ x(n) Ty? dP (33.13)Let {f,} be a sequence of elementary functions converging to f inL (Q;L? ([0,7],v(-))) .self=| fu ~ fn) ¥ : f,dM — _/ FnIt follows Xin is a continuous nonnegative submartingale and from Theorem 31.4.3 justlisted,Then letting?Xn (P([Xila (1) > Al) < 35 [Xiu TPP1 T<a L [ Mn —fnl?d(M™] dPaff Ufa — fin (M] dPIALetting | > ©,P([Xem(T)>2]) <5 [Ute ful? dapTherefore, there exists a subsequence, still denoted by {f,,} such thatP(| nal (T) > 2") <2”