Theorem 32.5.4 Let {M (t)} be a continuous H valued local martingale, M (0) =0, where H is a separable Hilbert space and t ∈ [0,T ] . Then if F is a function of the sortdescribed in the good lambda inequality, that is,

F (0) = 0, F continuous, F increasing,

F (αx)≤ cα F (x) ,

there are constants, C and c independent of such local martingales M such that


F([M] (T )1/2



F (M∗)dP≤C∫

F([M] (T )1/2


whereM∗ (ω)≡ sup{∥M (t)(ω)∥ : t ∈ [0,T ]} .

Proof: Let {τn} be an increasing localizing sequence for M such that Mτn is uniformlybounded. Such a localizing sequence exists from Proposition 32.3.3. Then from Theorem32.5.3 there exist constants c,C independent of τn such that


F([Mτn ] (T )1/2

)dP ≤




≤ C∫

F([Mτn ] (T )1/2


By Corollary 32.4.3, this implies



[M]τn)(T )1/2

)dP ≤




≤ C∫


[M]τn)(T )1/2


and now note that([M]τn

)(T )1/2 and (Mτn)∗ increase in n to [M] (T )1/2 and M∗ respec-

tively. Then the result follows from the monotone convergence theorem. ■Here is a corollary [46].

Corollary 32.5.5 Let {M (t)} be a continuous H valued local martingale and let ε,δ ∈(0,∞) . Then there is a constant C, independent of ε,δ such that


 M∗(T )︷ ︸︸ ︷

supt∈[0,T ]

∥M (t)∥ ≥ ε

≤ C

εE([M]1/2 (T )∧δ


([M]1/2 (T )> δ

)Proof: Let the stopping time τ be defined by

τ ≡ inf{

t > 0 : [M]1/2 (t)> δ


P([M∗ ≥ ε]) = P([M∗ ≥ ε]∩ [τ = ∞])+P([M∗ ≥ ε]∩ [τ < ∞])

On the set where [τ = ∞] , Mτ = M and so P([M∗ ≥ ε])≤

≤ 1ε


(Mτ)∗ dP+P([M∗ ≥ ε]∩

[[M]1/2 (T )> δ


878 CHAPTER 32. QUADRATIC VARIATIONTheorem 32.5.4 Let {M(t)} be a continuous H valued local martingale, M (0) =0, where H is a separable Hilbert space and t € [0,T]. Then if F is a function of the sortdescribed in the good lambda inequality, that is,F (0) =0, F continuous, F increasing,F (x) < CaF (x),there are constants, C and c independent of such local martingales M such thatcfr (mny'?)ar< | raryars<c | F (on (r)\"") aPwhereM* (@) = sup {||M(¢) (@)||:1 € [0,7]}.Proof: Let {7,,} be an increasing localizing sequence for M such that M™ is uniformlybounded. Such a localizing sequence exists from Proposition 32.3.3. Then from Theorem32.5.3 there exist constants c,C independent of Tt, such thatc fF (ry!) dP < [Foy )aP< cfr ( ([m*]( (r7)'”) dPBy Corollary 32.4.3, this impliesc fF (Mi) (7)'”) aeIA[F(a arcf F(( )(7)'"") dPand now note that ([M]*") (T)'? and (M™)* increase in n to [M](T)!/? and M* respec-tively. Then the result follows from the monotone convergence theorem. HiHere is a corollary [46].IACorollary 32.5.5 Let {M (t)} be a continuous H valued local martingale and let €,5 €(0,00). Then there is a constant C, independent of €,6 such thatM*(T)P| |“sup im @l =e} | < Se (im)? 7) 6) +P ((a}!? (7) > 6)te [0,7]Proof: Let the stopping time Tt be defined byc=int{¢ >0: [M'/? (t) > 5}ThenP(|M* > €]) = P([M* > €] [tT =-]) + P([M* > €] [tT < J)On the set where [t = ©], M* = M and so P([M* > €]) << = [ryar+e ([m" >e]n lim)? (7) > 5])E