

∑{r1,··· ,rm}=Ik

1m! ∑

(i1···im)sgn(i1 · · · im)Bi1r1 Bi2r2 · · ·Bimrm ·

∑( j1··· jm)

sgn( j1 · · · jm)Ar1 j1Ar2 j2 · · ·Arm jm



∑{r1,··· ,rm}=Ik


sgn(r1 · · ·rm)2 det(Bk)det(Ak) =




since there are m! ways of arranging the indices {r1, · · · ,rm}. ■

1.9.5 Expansion Using Cofactors

Lemma 1.9.15 Suppose a matrix is of the form

M =

(A ∗0 a


A 0∗ a


where a is a number and A is an (n−1)× (n−1) matrix and ∗ denotes either a columnor a row having length n− 1 and the 0 denotes either a column or a row of length n− 1consisting entirely of zeros. Then det(M) = adet(A) .

Proof: Denote M by (mi j) . Thus in the first case, mnn = a and mni = 0 if i ̸= n while inthe second case, mnn = a and min = 0 if i ̸= n. From the definition of the determinant,

det(M)≡ ∑(k1,··· ,kn)

sgnn (k1, · · · ,kn)m1k1 · · ·mnkn

Letting θ denote the position of n in the ordered list, (k1, · · · ,kn) then using the earlierconventions used to prove Lemma 1.9.1, det(M) equals

∑(k1,··· ,kn)

(−1)n−θ sgnn−1

(k1, · · · ,kθ−1,


kθ+1, · · · ,n−1kn

)m1k1 · · ·mnkn

Now suppose the second case. Then if kn ̸= n, the term involving mnkn in the above expres-sion equals zero. Therefore, the only terms which survive are those for which θ = n or inother words, those for which kn = n. Therefore, the above expression reduces to

a ∑(k1,··· ,kn−1)

sgnn−1 (k1, · · ·kn−1)m1k1 · · ·m(n−1)kn−1 = adet(A) .

To get the assertion in the first case, use Corollary 1.9.8 to write

det(M) = det(MT )= det

((AT 0∗ a

))= adet

(AT )= adet(A) .■

In terms of the theory of determinants, arguably the most important idea is that ofLaplace expansion along a row or a column. This will follow from the above definition ofa determinant.

46 CHAPTER 1. REVIEW OF SOME LINEAR ALGEBRAC(n,m) 1- », x ml! » sgn (i * tim) Birr, Biyry + Bimrin *=1 {ry“tm}=l (i-vim)» sen (ji Jim) An jAnin Arn imGv dm)C(n,m) 1 C(n,m)= y y — sgn (rj +++ 1m)” det (Bg) det (Ag) = y det (B;,) det (Ax)m!\KaL {rp tm} Hl k=lsince there are m! ways of arranging the indices {r1,--- ,7m}.1.9.5 Expansion Using CofactorsLemma 1.9.15 Suppose a matrix is of the formw($5)e(48) 0where a is a number and A is an (n—1) x (n—1) matrix and * denotes either a columnor a row having length n—| and the 0 denotes either a column or a row of length n—1consisting entirely of zeros. Then det (M) = adet (A).Proof: Denote M by (mj;) . Thus in the first case, yn = a and my; = 0 if i ¢n while inthe second case, my, = a and mj, = 0 if i#~n. From the definition of the determinant,det(M)= )° sgn, (ki,-++ kn) mk, + nk,(ky > kn)Letting @ denote the position of n in the ordered list, (ky,--- ,k,) then using the earlierconventions used to prove Lemma 1.9.1, det (M) equalsn—-1@y (-1)"° Sgn,—| (X. “ Ket Kou a) Kn ) Mk, °° * nk,(kik)Now suppose the second case. Then if ky 4 n, the term involving m,,,, in the above expres-sion equals zero. Therefore, the only terms which survive are those for which 0 = n or inother words, those for which k,, =n. Therefore, the above expression reduces toa y sgn; (K1,-**kn—1) Mik, ** Mn—1)ky _, =adet(A).(ki y+ sKn—1)To get the assertion in the first case, use Corollary 1.9.8 to writeA’ Odet(M) = det (M7) = ae ( — )) =adet (A’) = adet (A).In terms of the theory of determinants, arguably the most important idea is that ofLaplace expansion along a row or a column. This will follow from the above definition ofa determinant.