Example A.4.5 Discover a formula which simplifies (u×v)×w.
From the above reduction formula,
((u×v)×w)i = ε i jk (u×v) j wk = ε i jkε jrsurvswk
= −ε jikε jrsurvswk =−(δ irδ ks−δ isδ kr)urvswk
= −(uivkwk−ukviwk) = u ·wvi−v ·wui
= ((u ·w)v− (v ·w)u)i .
Since this holds for all i, it follows that
(u×v)×w = (u ·w)v− (v ·w)u.
A.5 Divergence and Curl of a Vector FieldHere the important concepts of divergence and curl are defined in terms of rectangularcoordinates.
Definition A.5.1 Let f : U→Rp for U ⊆Rp denote a vector field. A scalar valuedfunction is called a scalar field. The function f is called a Ck vector field if the function fis a Ck function. For a C1 vector field, as just described ∇ ·f (x)≡ divf (x) known as thedivergence, is defined as
∇ ·f (x)≡ divf (x)≡p
∂ fi
∂xi(x) .
Using the repeated summation convention, this is often written as
fi,i (x)≡ ∂i fi (x)
where the comma indicates a partial derivative is being taken with respect to the ith variableand ∂i denotes differentiation with respect to the ith variable. In words, the divergence isthe sum of the ith derivative of the ith component function of f for all values of i. If p = 3,the curl of the vector field yields another vector field and it is defined as follows.
(curl(f)(x))i ≡ (∇×f (x))i ≡ ε i jk∂ j fk (x)
where here ∂ j means the partial derivative with respect to x j and the subscript of i in(curl(f)(x))i means the ith Cartesian component of the vector curl(f)(x). Thus the curlis evaluated by expanding the following determinant along the top row.∣∣∣∣∣∣
i j k∂
∂ zf1 (x,y,z) f2 (x,y,z) f3 (x,y,z)
∣∣∣∣∣∣ .Note the similarity with the cross product. Sometimes the curl is called rot. (Short for
rotation not decay.) Also∇
2 f ≡ ∇ · (∇ f ) .